Chapters stole my money

Well, they can't really be stealing my money since I'm voluntarily spending it but you catch my drift. Every time I walk into that store, I have the intention to buy ONE thing, maximum two. But I most definitely never leave with only one or two things.

On a recent venture, I was simply out to find some new books because, who doesn't love to sit down with a new book?! (Janet of three years ago certainly didn't). I did stumble across these, AND they are canadian so showing some love for my motherland:

I've heard great things about both.

So on my way to the checkout, I mosey through the stationary section of chapters, and stumble upon these totally adorable prints (among so many other ones and I would have bought them all if I had an unlimited income):

I can't wait to find a frame for these bad boys and put them in my room.

And then, I saw it. Something I had seen a few reviews about and wanted to check out myself because I am totally obsessed with planners of any kind:

The Kate Spade planner by Lifeguard Press. I couldn't resist. I opened the pages and this alone was enough for me to snatch it up:

not specifically that quote but the quotes that are there every month. I have been searching and searching for the perfect planner and I think I found it.

I just need it to be august so I can fill it with lots and lots of fun things!

That was my shopping adventure. I should probably steer clear of chapters for a while.


  1. I adore that planner! Absolutely adorable! It's so hard not to spend money on cute things!

    1. Exactly! I then of course had to go splurge on cute new pens because the ones I had were obviously not good enough.

  2. I love that planner, sooo cute and that is the perfect quote!!! I love a good book so I know what you mean!
