5 things on a friday

Linking up with September Farm for Oh hey, Friday!

Well looky here! I managed to make it here 3 times this week instead of two! I think that deserves a pat on the back! (it doesn’t actually..).
Since I am fresh out of ideas (not ideas really, just how to get those ideas to form nice coherent and interesting sentences via the keyboard), I will be sharing 5 things I have enjoying this week!

1)  My Claddagh ring

I thought I had lost it a couple of days ago, which wouldn’t really have been that shocking because any kind of delicate and meaningful jewellery I get I’m pretty much guaranteed to lose. So whoever is stupid enough to ask me to marry them, that ring better be from Walmart and better be damn replaceable.

2) Volunteering

More specifically, volunteering at Planned Parenthood. I first started there last October and have come back this week after being away. I absolutely love it there. My own personal opinions and values are on par with theirs and it makes being there a rewarding experience. I like that I can make people feel comfortable and welcomed to talk about certain things that maybe they aren’t 100% ok talking about. Of course there are hilarious parts, like when younger kids come in and try to discretely take all the condoms. It’s all worth it for me.

3) The F Word

I went to see this movie on Tuesday and it was AMAZING. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to see past Harry Potter when it comes to Daniel Radcliffe but I was pleasantly surprised. The whole story is cute and really does make you feel that there are people worth traveling across the world for. (Cue reference to my own romantic situation.. whoops). Anyway I don’t want to spoil it, so this is just me highly recommending you go see it!

4) Pinterest

As usual I’m extremely late to the party. I know that Pinterest started a couple of years ago, I signed up but never really got into. Recently however, I have been going to it to look for organization tips, which led me to quotes which led me to looking at duvets (not a normal pattern, but yet here we are). There is seriously everything on that site. If I was any good at all at DIY things I would try them all. Maybe I should start doing weekly DIY Nailed it or DIY Failed it. There probably be more failures than successes.

5)Shake it off

In my mind, Taylor Swift can do no wrong. This song is catchy as hell and I have seriously had it on repeat since I downloaded it. Don’t deny that you know some of the words too. Haters gonna hate.

Happy friday! Enjoy the long weekend if you have one! I know I will. 

That IS my name

The struggle is oh so real for myself (and others I imagine) who doesn't have a name that is regular enough to appear on trendy items such as makeup products, or drink products (YEAH I'M LOOKING AT YOU COKE. Whatever, I'd rather share a pepsi with someone anyway).

But, NARS has come in to save the day, and in a STUNNING colour might I add. Their new fall Audacious collection features a lipstick with, you guessed it, the name Janet. And man oh man did they hit the nail on the head when it comes to my preferred lipstick colour.

Here it is, in all it's glory: the NARS Janet lipstick

(all photos taken from Temptalia)
Although I'm more bias towards loving that colour, the other ones are phenomenal as well. 

Safe to say I will be adding many of these to my lipstick collection.

What do you think?

Planner obsessed

Things I swear I'm good at (but apparently I'm not):
             - posting regularly
             - sleeping

Anyway, I couldn't find anything really worth blogging about so I just.. didn't. BUT FEAR NOT HERE I AM.

So a while ago I posted about my new planner (here!) and since then I have scouring the internet to find cute ways to decorate and organize it. I stumbled upon so many people using washi tape and stickers, and I was so inspired that I went to to Michaels and $40 later, this happened:

Stickers, floral washi tape, glittery washi tape and masking stickers. The only think I'm still on the hunt for is cute sticky notes. Know anywhere?

So last night once I had all my supplies gathered I obviously had to get started. I was at work all day thinking of different things to do. This might be the start of a big problem:

Excuse me while I go look at more thing on pinterest.

Oh my friend also got my a claddagh ring from Ireland! I love love LOVE it (excuse my nails..):

Ok gone to washi tape everything.

Guilty Pleasures

The theme for this month’s Total Social is guilty pleasures. Honestly though, I’m not one to admit to guilty pleasures, that is, I like what I like and I’m really not ashamed to admit I do. I don’t generally see the point in feeling guilty for enjoying something, JUST DO YOU.

In any case, I’ll play along because I’ve really been enjoying reading/seeing everyone else’s posts!

1)  One Direction

I saw them in concert last summer, yes, at 23 and I had the time of my life. I sang, I danced, I drank and I cried. Yep. The best part being that the drink line wasn’t too long because most of the people there were under the age of 12. That’s a win if you ask me. I love everything about 1D and was so depressed I couldn’t see them again this year.

2)    Keeping up with the Kardashians/RHO *insert city here*/Dance moms etc.
      Basically any reality show that people class as mindless and stupid I ADORE. Just try and tear me away from the tv on Tuesday or Sunday nights. JUST TRY. I will stand my ground. True life : I am addicted to reality tv and I don’t care.

3) YouTube back to school videos

Supplies hauls, organization videos, study tips videos, whatever the topic, I will watch it. As soon as august hits I spend countless hours watching people tell me all about their new notebooks and binders. If that isn’t really sad I don’t know what is, but on the other hand, it makes me really organized? (nope.)

4) Made for TV Movies on Netflix

Most people use their Netflix in a smart way to catch up on their favourite shows. Me, I bypass the popular ones such as House of Cards to watch quality MFT movies. If they have a rating of 3 stars or lower, I’ve probably watched them. Revenge of the Bridesmaids anyone? (Raven Symoné is in it, how could I NOT watch it?)

5) Cleansers
     I don’t know why I have this weird habit of buying cleansers and seriously NEVER using them. They sit on my bathroom counter for months until  I just throw them out. But I still can’t resist buying them. I think I need an intervention.

    What are you ashamed to admit you like?
Helene in Between

6 reasons why camping is 100% not my thing

This past weekend I went to a friends a cabin for the night and that is about all I am willing to handle. That is about as in touch with nature as I get. The next night my friend wanted to go camping and I replied with a loud and proud HELL TO THE NO, and  here is why.

1) Bugs

I don't enjoy living in a constant fear of being stung, bitten or having something fly into my ears/eyes/hair/any other body part. I don't need ants crawling in my bed and I definitely don't get joy from hearing crickets.

2) No cell reception

Hello it's the 21st century and I shouldn't have to go into the wilderness without the ability to call 911, or go on facebook. Call me high maintenance but I don't want to sit around without songza. Not gonna happen.

3) You are sleeping on the ground

You know what was meant to be slept on? A BED. Not the ground. No an air mattress or a foam pad do not count as a substitute. You what is in the ground? Bugs, animals and other unknown creatures. Why WHY would you put your head next to that?

4) You're freezing when you go to sleep and sweating when you wake up

You are NEVER at a comfortable temperature. You have 100 blankets on you at bed time because it's 2am, you're outside and there's no heat. Well too bad because once the sun comes up that tent heats up like mofo and you are sweating like you've never sweat before and are on the verge of throwing up. YEAH SOUNDS LIKE FUN

5) No showers

Guess what, washing your hair in a muggy pond doesn't actually get the job done. I leave the water feeling more gross than I did when I got in the water which was already pretty disgusting.

6) There is no drive-thru or subway near by

Canned beans, I think not. Bring me to the nearest Wendy's please.

Where the nearest hotel at?


Janet in the kitchen

I am pretty much the furthest thing from a chef you could get. Until recently, within the past year, I was honestly living off of pizza pockets and peanut butter sandwiches while living away from home. And on subway of course.

I imagine you think this is the part where I say "well I decided to change my ways, took a cooking class and now I can chop with the best of them." - spoiler alert, that's not it. I simply decided to try and make simple, and moderately healthy dishes.

With that being said, here is what I made on this fine thursday evening:

Pesto chicken pizza on naan bread. This is honestly so easy a three year old could do it (with adult supervision of course) but it tastes effing AMAZING.

This is what you need:

- 1 chicken breast
- 1 piece of naan bread
- Pesto sauce
- Any kind of veggies or toppings you like. I just went with peppers because they are my fave. 
- Balsamic vinegar 
- Mozzarella cheese (or whatever kind you like!) 

This is what you do:

1. Cook your chicken breast, if it's not already. I just added some olive oil to a pan and threw the chicken until it wasn't pink in the middle.

2. Chop up dem veggies and toppings

3. Grate dat cheese

4. Pre-heat dat oven to 425 degrees

5. Spread pesto sauce as a base and add chicken and toppings and cheese

6. Take some balsamic vinegar and drizzle it over the top

7. Stick it in the oven (that's what she said) and let it cook for 10 minutes then take out and eat it while it's still hot and burn the roof of your mouth. Is there any other way to eat pizza?

And there you have it. The easiest, cheapest, kind of healthy-ish way to make some "gourmet" looking pizza.

And to top it off, I happened to receive a postcard from my friend Cecilia in Italy!

 I was meant to make this pizza today. 

Happy thursday! Tomorrow is friday so congrats, you made it through another week!

Over and out!

No one should go at it alone

I know I'm not the first and I won't be the last to talk about this, but I really feel like it's so important to keep talking about it.

The death of Robin Williams was tragic, there is no other way to describe it. A positive outcome is that maybe now depression (and all other mental illnesses) will be the more openly talked about topic it needs to be.

I have personally dealt with anxiety my entire life, but it didn't really come to head until the 9th grade when I lost my grandfather. I was staying up all night worried that something bad was going to happen to myself or someone else I cared about it. Dealing with it was not easy, and it definitely still rears it's ugly head sometimes but for the most part I have learned to, I wouldn't say control it, but I've learned to deal with it better.

Depression is something I experienced for a brief period of time, you might just be able to call it hormones. However, I have many friends who have gone through serious depression issues. At the age of 15 I was dealing with friends having suicidal thoughts and feeling alone and unwanted. I was obviously in no place to give amazing advice, but I was there for them. At 3am when they were reaching their low points they would call me and talk it out. At school when they wanted to just give up, I was a shoulder to lean on.

A key in making mental illnesses a talked about manner, is to be actively listening. People can always talk to you, but they won't accomplish much if no one is really listening. When someone comes to you, LISTEN. Make it known that you want to listen. Don't let anyone go through this struggle alone, they don't have too. 

I'm sure there are others out there who were in both my position and my friend's. These mental diseases should not be treated as simple emotions. There are chemicals causing this, and this needs to be addressed. You wouldn't shame someone for going through chemotherapy, so why would you shame someone for taking anti-depressants or any other kind of medication?

You can point them in the right direction if you're unsure, but in the end, we all just need one person to tell us it's going to be ok. 

Woman crush monday?

Clearly it's not wednesday, but I couldn't wait until then for this so here were are breaking all the rules.

So last night, I had my usual Sunday routine, which mostly consists of watching Big Brother then Keeping up with the Kardashians. My life is so eventful.

Well, Big Brother was delayed because of golf (wat) so I headed directly for the internet. I discovered, well not so much discovered as listened to more of Ingrid Michaelson's newest album Lights Out and I fell IN LOVE. INSTANTLY. It was love at first click of the play button.

I have been a fan of Ingrid for a while now. I first heard her along with most people when she had a song featured in a commercial (Be Ok, You and I etc). In 2011, when she released another album I didn't think she would be able to top the songs on that one. Plus I got to see her live that year so nothing else mattered.

I was wrong. She hits so many emotions spot on and does so in such a catchy and upbeat way. My personal fave song is Time Machine and I really doubt there is any girl out there who CAN'T relate to that jam.

So I guess this has been a review? In any case, go get your listen on to this fabulous album! I'll even make it easy for you:

Happy monday!

Dear liver, please forgive me.

Dear liver,

I know I've been terrible to you this past week, but I promise you that it's over for now. I know you won't hold it against me though, because we have made it through about 4 George Street festivals without a hitch.



Here in St. John's, the beginning of august is known as the most wonderful time of the year because it is the beginning of a week long drinking fest. The street with all the bars lets you on the street for just one price and you can get into all of the bars. There are also concerts and food events, it's really an amazing time.

But, sometimes you can get a little carried away. I went out thursday night, saturday night and tuesday night. The nights were fun but the hangovers weren't. I would love  to say I learned my lesson for next year, but I will probably be writing this post a year from now.

I hope you all had a lovely\weekend, even though tomorrow is friday. I'm going to spend my weekend in recovery mode.

Long distance woes

So I have been in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend since June, so two months. And while I am most definitely no expert in the field of LDRs, being 2500 miles away from Aurélien has led to find out a few things.

You can bet your bottom dollar that when I initially came home from France I was googling tips on how to make a long distance relationship work, you know, like any normal girl would.  I was overwhelmed with amount of people and articles written on how to make it work.

At first, I really took these to heart; in my mind, if I didn't skype with Aurélien everday then my relationship was doomed. However, after days and weeks of reading, I realized that me trying to do all of these things wasn't working, I had to do what felt right for myself.

That's when I stopped trying to have the same relationship as others. I wasn't them, and they aren't me so why would what worked for them necessarily work for me?

Some of the most common "rules" are:

- You have to make time to skype or talk at least 5 times a week.

First of all, I am a busy person. I work full time and I have other commitments that don't necessarily give me a lot of flexibility, and A is the same way. And more to the point, he doesn't really enjoy skyping. We do skype, of course, but maybe not as often as we "should." And I really am ok with that. We talk everyday via texting, and even if we don't, all I need is a simple "je t'aime" to feel ok.

- There has to be an end point in mind

This was the one that really got me. I still have schooling left and so does he. While I would love to right now just pack up and move back to France permanently, it's not possible, financially or otherwise. And neither of us are willing to give up our own aspirations at the moment, and why should we? He's 22 and I'm 24, I don't know where my life is going to take me but at the moment I'm happy he's a part of it. Don't get me wrong, the physical distance REALLY sucks but you make do I think this rule puts so much pressure on LDRs. I already have a trip planned to go back and visit in October, but beyond that I don't know. But I do know that I love him.

Another aspect of distance is your friends. Mine are super supportive and want to listen, which is awesome. However, what I don't like is if they are separated from their significant other for a while, they are like "oh well I don't know what real distance is because my boyfriend isn't on the other side of the world." Sure maybe he's closer, but I don't want to belittle my friend's feelings because my situation is different. They are allowed to feel whatever they want.

Anyway, I guess all I'm really trying to say in this long winded post is that what works for some couples won't always work for you. You and your partner need to find a common ground and make it work. Some people might think that you're not doing enough, but in the end, it's your relationship not theirs.

Yes b'y

I thought the accent vlog was such a cool idea so I decided to do it myself! I loved watching all the videos in the link up!

I just filmed it on my laptop so you know, don't expect top quality camera skillz hurr.

I hope you all have a great weekend! Let's end this post with some Katy Perry shall we?

Over and out!

Cause You Gotta Have Faith