I don't DO winter

I don't ski.
I don't snowboard.
I don't go sledding.
I don't skate (outdoors anyway).

I think this probably makes me the worst Canadian ever but I really hate the cold. I hate getting wet and I hate those things combined which is the inevitable result if I participate in any of these types of activities.

When I was younger I LOVED to go sliding, but I have since grown to realize that winter and I are not meant to be. Not even close.

The first and last time I tried downhill skiing, I couldn't make it down the bunny hill without falling. My friend somehow coaxed me into going down one of the big hills. I have no idea why I agreed to this at all, I didn't even know how to get on the ski lift. So we get up to the top, and I fall out of the chair. I can't get up, my friend tries to help but I am way heavier than him so just take a minute to imagine how well that went over.

I eventually got up, started and fell again. And this kept happening and happening and happening and we weren't anywhere near the bottom. An instructor comes up behind us and offers help, I start going, can't stop and tumble over myself and just lay there, defeated. At this point they are in the process of CLOSING the hill and I am refusing to come down on skis. So my friend goes on and I stay with the instructor and eventually someone on a snow mobile comes down and offers me a ride to the bottom and I obviously took it.

On the bright side, I couldn't really be embarrassed because there was no one left in the closed park. So safe to say I will never set foot on a pair of skis again. I looked somewhat similar to Bridget Jones when she attempts it:

but with no smile because I was not laughing at this point. 

This terrible day was followed by a long nap and night full of beer to help soothe me.

So yeah, you could say I'm not the biggest fan of winter. I won't even attempt outdoor skating because if I can't hold on the sides I am doomed. Ain't gonna happen.

If you are a winter, kudos to you. I need to move to Florida.

hashtag humpday

I had a whole post written out and then somehow it got deleted.
So this is how I feel right now:


Anyway, I'll just show you gifs I used and not write full sentences because I am #overit

Snow day feels:

How I felt today after going to the gym yesterday:
#inshape #health

Then tonight I went to a new restaurant in town, had two beers I have  #noregrets. I will #yolo all the time when it comes to food because I'm not a slave to the gym....evidently.
Hope your Wednesday was lovely!
Link up! 

First teacher snowday

So this morning I woke up around 6:20, not even on purpose, my body just woke up. I decided to check the ol twitter to see if the schools were closed, saw nothing, whimpered a bit then laid back down. 10 minutes late my co-op teacher texted me:

My first teacher snow day y'all!!! I mean that's not even remotely close to the reason I want to teach but hey, it's nice anyway. 

 This is the current view from my window:

It's looking a little windy out there.

My  main purpose of this post is to share some of my snow day thoughts with you. So let's get to it!

Janet's thoughts on a snow day:

I should be taking advantage of today and studying for that online course I'm doing! Or not. I deserve a day off, even though it's Tuesday and the weekend just ended. 

Today would be a good day to go to the gym. There would be no one there for sure! But that also requires getting off my ass and into gym clothes and outside and frankly, I'm not into it. 

At what time is it acceptable to have a drink on a snow day? Surely it's different from every other day of the week?

I could do online shopping, maybe buying new gym clothes will motivate me to work out. But I'll probably actually end up buying a new dress or a sweater if I'm being honest. 

I could make some really cool recipes on Pinterest. But there is also a reason that like, bread and peanut butter exist. 

Is it really wrong to assume that my dad is going to shovel 8 times today and I won't have to help? 

I am so hungry!!! Screw trying to be healthy, I need some pizza up in this joint ASAP. Regardless of the fact that I had it for supper last night. That does not matter.

I hope your Tuesday is going well wherever you are! At least tomorrow is hump day!

Monday again

I don't know why we haven't all collectively decided that the weekend should be 3 days and the work week start on Tuesdays. Everyone would be much happier. One extra day to get your happy juice on, aka wine.

Anyway my weekend was pretty fun, aside from the crappy weather we've been having cause you know, winter in Newfoundland. I did see lots of my pallies and ate lots of food so I would consider it a success.

Friday night I went over to my friends house for a bit to hang out with her and her little one. I didn't take any pics but the little baby is only a year old so just imagine the cuteness.

Saturday I was a better blogger and took pics. See? I am thinking of you.

I decided to be healthy Saturday and went to the gym and came home and made a smoothie and eggs for breakfast.
(please excuse the speck on the placemat. I think I really have an eye for photography...and cooking)

But my mind about what I wanted to eat was immediately changed when S texted me a picture of two things that he only likes because of me (you're welcome sir). And then all I was craving was Boursin cheese. 
My main food groups

Anyway later that night I went out to dinner then a couple of my friends came over and we drank and hung out and I forced them to do those origami frogs I mentioned on friday. Best. Friends. Ever.

Iceberg is the best NL beer in case you were wondering. But this glass had some good ol shock top in it.


look I drink beer and take selfies....

Then we did head out for a bit but I was so damn exhausted by the time we got to the bar that I had one beer and got a cab and came home. Party animal central right here. 

Even after my quick exit I was still pretty hungover sunday morning so we went for lunch and then I came home and napped. I also did a bit of lesson planning last night but nothing too hardcore. All my body wanted was sleep, so that's what I did. 
After eating copious amount of tostitos that is.

Hope you had a lovely weekend!!!


Weekend feels

I can't believe week 2 of internship is over. I know the rest is just going to fly by and I'll be back to my own classes. This is a pretty depressing thought as I didn't love being in school over the summer last summer and it's so nice now to not have to come home and study after being at school all day. Ya heard?

Anyway I don't have a ton planned for this weekend, I haven't for the past few. I guess my friends have moved out of the stage of our lives where we go out on the weekend and instead we all stay in, go to someone's house maybe and go home at about 10pm. Not that there is anything wrong with that but I only have a few short weeks before I hit my mid-twenties and I would like to pretend to be youthful for a bit longer.

I say as I prepare to head off for nap as soon as I'm done typing this. How old do you have to be to be put in a an old age home? Like I think I would really fit in.

One thing I do have to do this weekend is practice my origami skills (or lack thereof). We are combing the grade 3s on monday and I have to teach them all to do it. Ahem, even with the instructions this is sure to be the worst thing they've ever done as I have no art skills.

living the dream

Luckily since I am grown ass woman, my origami sessions can also include a casual beer or 7 while it's happening. This is the magical teacher life. I suppose there are worse things I could be forced to do with my weekend. Like go to the gym, blech. 

I really don't have that much to say but I just wanted to make this a full week of posts which I don't think I've ever actually done before.

I hope you have a fabulous weekend! Here's a little Selena Gomez to get it started. I ironically bought her CD after I bought the j-biebs. Whoops.

Bon weekend!!!

When that boyfriend thing happens

Try as I may and try as I might, a part of me is one of those girls that spends too much time with their significant other when they first get together. Although I suppose it's a bit different for me given the distance thing, but when S was home for Christmas I didn't go one day without seeing him.

But we also skype or facetime everyday, and text constantly. Which if he was here I assume would translate into constant hangs of pizza and netflix. Maybe it's a blessing because I would be approx. 40 pounds heavier if that was my routine.

I've noticed it in my friends too. It's like we all say that we would never do such a thing, but it happens anyway. I was never really one of those girls who was like waiting around for a boyfriend or cared that much, but apparently it was something I was subconsciously craving. One of my friends always has a boyfriend and she doesn't necessarily ditch us but she would spend a lot of time with them. Funny how I was so critical then and now look at me. (Don't mind the bangs, they are the ruining my life atm).

I've also noticed this happening in the blog world. People are all about their blogs and then it slows gradually once they are in a relationship. And I am certainly not saying this is a bad thing, because like I said, I'm just as guilty. And hey girl, you deserve to be happy. It just makes me sad because I loved blogs when people posted just about their everyday lives. But things happen in waves and cycles! Maybe it'll make a comeback. 

I would just like to understand what it is about relationships that make us do this crazy thang ya feel? Like I was fine hanging with my friends all the time and now all of sudden it's like love has me doing this crazy things and want to constantly be in this person's presence. I guess that is what love does? 

I guess life is all about balance, because I definitely don't want to lose my friends, but what takes precedent? I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore.

You see? Love makes you stupid and not be able to keep a constant train of thought. OH MY.

When Victoria's Secret calls, you answer

Ok well they didn't actually call me, but they did email me. And it just so happened (yes, purely coincidence I assure you) that I was looking for a new sports bra. VS offered me a deal I couldn't refuse.

Buy a sports bra, get a pair of our amazing-most-comfortable-to-die-for leggings. Yes. The leggings that are usually $70, FREE. I mean, you had to pay $50 dollars for the bra but hey, you didn't have to pay for both, amiright?

Anyway, I was extremely proud of myself as I managed to snag the last fully black pair of leggings which I can now add to my regular attire. Which this season has consisted solely of black leggings and baggy sweaters. I scream basic while girl and I don't even care.
This is the bra I got:

and these leggings
(if only they also came with those sneakers, and that butt).
And these will 100% be used for exercise...not lounging. Totally.

I also cannot rave about this bra enough. All sports bras are expensive and I was a bit skeptical about this ones but I wore it to the gym on monday and it was magical. It is so supportive and I know that my big boobied friends here will also appreciate. There is nothing worse than feeling your boobs fly all over the place at the gym. Super attractive image for you.

So yeah 10/10, would recommend these bras if you're in the market.

On a completely unrelated note, I became a belieber recently and I'm not even remotely ashamed. Monday morning on my commute to school "Love Yourself" came on and I sat in the parking lot making me essentially 5 minutes late. If that isn't dedication I don't know what is. I can't get enough of this song. I did buy the album tonight so that I could listen to it whenever I want, so there's that.

You're welcome.

I'm not entirely sure why I decided to write any of this but anyway, back to enjoying my Guinness blonde. (Even though it's not even made in Ireland, rude.)

Trying to be a healthy human

New year new me etc etc. Not really though, I just in general want to try and be healthier as I eat a lot of crap. I live for the mcdonalds junior chicken, beer, nachos, pizza. Who doesn't I guess. But there was a time in my life about 6 years ago when I was at a super healthy weight and really felt confident and good about myself. Those 30 pounds I once lost have suddenly crept back up on me and it is time for them to go, yo.

The irony of this post is that I am going out to each nachos later tonight. Tuesdays are cheat day I have decided. Because there are some things I refuse to give up and buffalo chicken nachos and beer at trivia are two of those things.

I am hoping by putting this in writing SOMEWHERE I will hold myself accountable but also not get discouraged. I have a day time routine now that I have started my internship and I should be able to incorporate a bit of exercise with that. I have already started bringing salads with me for lunch, and there is nothing, I mean nothing I hate more in this world than salads.

Like why eat this:

When you could eat this:

Please tell me how you convince yourself of that??? Because I am really trying!!!!! Obviously not that hard since I'm gonna eat it tonight soooooooooooo

Anyway, I also got a magic bullet from my sister months ago, figured I should start putting that to good use. Making some smoothies and such.

I'm sure you're all stoked on hearing about people's healthy resolutions, we'll see how long I last with mine. I went to Zumba with my mom last night and my arms are feeling it? That's something right?


How do you measure success?

I have been having this conversation a lot lately with different people, just trying to see what people see as success. I know that comparing yourselves to others is a terrible thing to do, so I have been working on try to define success for myself and hopefully that can push me a little further and be a little more motivated to go after exactly what I want.

So how would I define success? Let's have a little throwback.

I remember when I was younger my goals were so strictly laid out and I really truly believed that these things would happen (can I get an LOL).

When I was 16:

- Finish university at 22 and get a good paying job
- Meet someone at 23, get married at 25 and have kids at 27.
- Live in St. John's permanently
- Have a big house with a dog

That was what I thought would make me have a successful life. These were my aspirations and the things I wanted to achieve. Oh so young, so naive.


- Finished first degree at 24, currently completing another one.
- Have met someone, but they live a 2 hour plane ride away
- No kids, not engaged, not married
- I do live in St. John's, but have since changed my mind.
- I did work one grown up job
- I don't have a dog and I certainly don't have a big house.

Watching my friends that have kids, real person jobs, working on their PhD does make me feel like I am behind. I absolutely have no regrets about the things I've done, the places I've done, the people I've met. They have all been life changing for me in different ways.

Going new places, doing new things is what makes me happy. I have realized that there is definitely not one definition of success. For me, being happy is what it means to have a successful life. I have my days where I question things, and I really want to stop doing that. I want to be really okay with the here and now and not be dragged down by my insecurities. I have actually accomplished a lot of things in my life and that makes me happy. I would consider that a success.

What do you define as success?

Being a pretend teacher

Being a pretend teacher an intern so tiring. I mean I know that being a regular teacher is tiring, I just had never felt this exhausted before.
That being said, the kids are sweet as pie and they do like being at school even though doing worksheets and answering questions might not be their favourite thing. But like, can you really blame them?

I haven't actually taught any lessons yet but I have been reading to them, and asking them questions about topics they are learning about to see if they can recall. It's been pretty fun so far and my co-op teacher is so nice and so laid back. We get along really well which will definitely help me get through it.

Anyway, enough school talk. Unless of course you're looking for a cure to you insomnia because I'm pretty sure this would be a full proof method.

Other than that, life is pretty good. I really hate being in a distance relationship though. It is great for me school wise but like I just want someone to cuddle with me and have a beer and eat bad food with. I can do that with friends but it's just not the same you know? Anyway S will be home in February because we have the same birthday (so cute it's almost vomit inducing). It'll be a short and sweet weekend but I can't wait to see him.

I would love to say that this is a new year so a new me but I spent this last week doing what I do best which is spend too much damn money on eating out.


 I ate at home ONCE this week, tonight. And tomorrow we are getting sushi for lunch. Is this where YOLO comes into play? Do people still use YOLO? I feel old.

I think I've had 1 too many Stellas tonight so I will have to bid you adieu.

oh right.. this thing

Hello and welcome back. I wonder how people can be so consistent and dedicated to blogging all the time. I truly commend you because I can't seem to stick with it for than a couple weeks at best haha. Anyway I figured I would just stop in for a little update. I know everyone is just DYING to hear from me. ;)

SO I start my education internship tomorrow morning, grade 3 french immersion. I am excited but also absolutely terrified.

I'm afraid that I'll just suck at it and my co-op teacher will wonder why the hell I thought I was capable.
I'm afraid that the students won't take me seriously and I won't be able to manage them.
I'm afraid that all my lessons will be awful and won't achieve any of the outcomes I want them too.
But my co-op teacher is really excited to have me and I am excited to get a feel for what teaching is like and what my future career has in store for me. 

There is a really good chance I won't sleep at all tonight, too excited and nervous for tomorrow. On the bright side i won't be at MUN all day everyday. 

I am also super happy and super lovey at the moment which is awesome but gross at the same time. It just feels nice to be with someone who cares about me and would give me the world if he could. (Side note, it's not the guy from France any more. whomp whomp).


Christmas was fun but the vacation went way too fast. I saw lots of people, ate lots of food had good times. it's hard to go back to reality after a break. I've never really mastered getting into a routine 

I want this year to bring me a lot of good times and also of reflection on myself. I've never seen the importance of looking back on things that have happened to you, how you reacted to them and how you let them impact you until recently. I certainly made some questionable choices in the past year but i want to learn from them and be confident in my decisions and be happy about where my life is going. even if that is to Goosebay where I will inevitably freeze.

I don't even know where this is going. Let's talk about 2015 shall we?

Peaks and pits of 2015:

- getting into education
- quitting a job i didn't really enjoy that much
- seeing shania twain and reuniting with old pals in ontario
- spencer
- getting the CPF scholarship
- seeing one direction with victoria (again!)
- going to ottawa for my cousins wedding
- making new friends

- struggling between what choice to make but still hurting someone
- being poor as shit again
- losing contact with people

Here's to a safe and happy 2016!