How to not be THAT guy on a plane

I was thinking today about my past flight experiences and the people I met. I've also been thinking about what  makes a good flight buddy. I have come to learn that there trends that need to come to an end.

So here we go, how to be the best flight buddy you can be.

1) If you're a nervous flyer, please take some ativan and don't talk to me.

I understand you are stressed I do. Flying thousands of feet above the ground is not exactly a secure feeling but please PLEASE don't make it known to me you are nervous. I will in turn get nervous and then freak you out more and it will just be an escalating fear for the next 3 hours.

2) If my headphones are in, that means we are in a no talky zone.

Seriously. I'm probably not interested in what you're saying, I'm more interested in watching Frozen again for 100th time even though I know all the words. If I knew the conversation would be short, I would gladly listen but I am not prepared for 4 hours. Thanks bye.

3) Watch your elbows

Ok sir we are shoulder to shoulder here, I know. But can you please not keep your elbow on my volume ajduster thingys on the seat. I am just trying to watch this movie and you keep changing the volume on me and I can't change it because you're elbow is in the way. I also have said this to you a couple times and you are still doing it. HANDS IN FRONT OF YOU.

When I was coming back from Florida two years ago, I ended up sitting next to this man who had just gone to Las Vegas. He was old and nice and everything, but I knew from the moment he sat down I was not going to enjoying my book anymore. He showed me 420 pictures (on his new ipad he got because he signed up for a new cable bundle) of the Grand Canyon. I don't even need to go visit it myself, I've seen it.

He also then proceeded to tell me he wrote a book about Newfoundland and he writes for a paper. And it ended weirdly 2 hours later when he asked me to send him a picture of myself when I graduated. I'm sure he had the best intentions, but I just wanted to enjoy my book and a nap.

Do you have any plane horror stories? Or have you managed to escape the talkers?

I never do it seems. Let's find out what happens on my next flight come october.

Travel thursdays: Rome

Oh hello and welcome back to the show. Sorry for the brief (3 day) intermission. I was just busy and stuff ok. /lazy and there wasn't anything I was doing that could really be of any interest to anyone.

Excuse done.

It's time for another episode of Travel Thursdays. This week we explore my adventure to Rome!

Ever since the Lizzie Mcguire movie and When in Rome with the Olsen twins came out, I envisioned myself in Rome and it being a magical and life changing experience. Forgetting that it was a HUGE city and with  A LOT of people.

Not that any of the magic was ruined of course. We made Italy a week long trip, also hitting up Pisa, Cinque Terre and Venice. But those are for another post.

Rome was the first stop and after dealing with many language barriers, lack of map reading skills and walking around for 15 minutes, we finally found our hostel. It was a cute little place with just 2 rooms of four beds and the host was a sweetheart. 

We got to all the big sites of course, the pantheon, the trevi fountain etc. etc.
It looks cooler in picture form:


Trevi fountain (cue Lizzie McGuire fangirl moment here)

oh look it's me!

The spanish steps

Our second night there we went out on the town and got a little too drunk and paid way too much money to get into a club but you know, yolo and stuff.

The next day my friend Katie and I went to Pisa. We wanted to go Florence but didn't have enough time so we hit up a bunch of bars instead and continued to drink on the train ride back to rome. Once back we were still ready to go so we got dressed and went out again.

The only way to describe the following day was hangover hell. And we decided to go to St. Peter's square. And climb to the stop of the tower. Up the 500 winding stairs. Hungover. The view was so worth it though.

The we tried to go to the colosseum but it was CLOSED. The one place I wanted to visit more than any other and it was CLOSED. Because it was Carnaval. Whatever, we could still stand outside and it was still nice.

Pretty nice, pretty nice.

And the night before our train to Cinque Terre we went out again and met some basketball players from the states. 

All in all, I really enjoyed my trip to Rome. Minus the rain (the whole 4 days we were there), and the sometimes creepy civilians, it was amazing. Was it magical? Maybe not. Although I did get asked out so, that's a plus?

Me and katie trying our best to not be hungover while the Pope talks.

I hope you are all enjoying your week and if you didn't well hey tomorrow is Friday that's reason enough to celebrate.

The dating game

Happy Monday! Only four more sleeps till Friday!

This past weekend I had a lot of time to just sit back reflect. On this particular Saturday afternoon my friend Katie who is down in Australia texting me about her dating woes. This got me thinking on the amazing/terrible/hilarious experiences I've had. So I decided to share one that I think you may enjoy!

If there is one thing in this world that I am AWFUL at, it's dating (well, I'm bad at a lot of other things too but you catch my drift. right?) There have been plenty of times in which I've got out of my way to get OUT of a date because I was too afraid it was going to be awkward. I would apparently rather snuggle up in my bed watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians than go out and talk to someone new (who wouldn't ?). I'm so ridiculous sometimes. BUT, on the other hand there are times when I feel that my behavior is justified, allow me to tell you the tale.

While studying in Quebec, I befriended a lot of international students from France, Germany, Sweden etc. which was GREAT. I mean it's awesome to be like "OH WELL MY FRIEND SO AND SO IS FROM GERMANY AND SAID I COULD GO VISIT." Gives you free bragging rights in my opinion.
Where was I? Oh yes. So amongst these friends I met a french guy, we'll call him Pierre for the safety reasons (although he would have to search the internet pretty intensely to find this blog..). He was nice and cute and doing his masters in business management. I wasn't initially attracted to him, but when he asked me to go for a drinks I thought WHAT THE HECK because I only had a couple weeks left before going back home so I might as well have fun right?!!?

WRONG. So we went to a bar for some drinks one tTuesdayevening and it went fine. We were going back and forth between English and French, getting to know eachother, you know how it is. So after a few more Rickards White I have an enjoyable drunk on and feel like everything is just splendid. He pays for the drinks and we leave. We start walking to the bus stop (LOVE public transit ps.) and he grabs me and kisses me. And it's fine because I like kissing and I like it even more after a few drinks. We get on the bus and head out separate ways. He texted me the next day asking to hang out again and I said sure.

(I know this seems like it's going all well and fine, but remember I had maybe 4 weeks left at this point, time for something serious? Definitely not. Another thing to note, cultures make a difference in how we perceive things (in case you didn't already know that but I am sure you did). To me, hanging out with someone twice does not equal a relationship.)

So we go to a local bakery and get some french macarons (when we were there I was ECSTATIC because what isn't to love about macarons?)|

Anywho, we are eating and talking and he starts to rub my leg under the table and hold my hand, and these are fine things, but I could tell from look in his lovely french eyes that he was ready for a relationship NOW. In my mind, while eating the delicious macarons, I knew that I had to end this. Did I do it right away? Oh of course not, I am too kind to do that sort of thing out of the blue. You have to ask me to hang out again and take me to a really nice sushi place for me to do that. Yes. I did it while eating supper. Poor timing on my part because we hadn't even had dessert. 

The conversation went as follows:

Me: Listen, I enjoy spending time with you and getting to know you but I don't want to get into anything serious because I'm leaving soon and I don't want people to get hurt.

P: .....

AND THEN he stopped looking at me and looked at the ground for, I kid you not, TEN MINUTES. TEN. MINUTES. 

so he's all:

and I'm at the other side of the table like:

After the silence he said something along the lines of "It sucks that you're breaking up with me" (I'M SORRY WHAT?) and "I knew from the beginning that this would be something serious and I'm not willing to just let it go that easily."

REALLY? Because that's really all I want. So we leave the restaurant and he walks me to the bus, still trying to hold me hand and kiss me and I wasn't having any of it so he got the next bus. I didn't hear from him for a couple of days (I was so thankful) and then he messaged me on facebook, twice. The first time to tell me that he wasn't going to let me got that easily and I would see what a great guy he is. I don't know what part of I don't want a relationship he didn't get. I just didn't answer.

The second time, a few days later, he said he could understand where I was coming from and maybe in the future. And ended it with "one day you will appreciate a French man who care about you."

Thanks for the life lessons bro.

Cut to now when I have a French boyfriend, whoops.

In any case I love going back down memory lane to places like this. There was no heartbreak or sadness, and now it's just kind of funny to think about.

Do you have any dating disaster stories? Please share some!

I do love you Forever21

Dear Forever21,

We have been in a very committed relationship for about 6 years now. I have put you before all others, even H&M, which is extremely hard. I have been so faithful and you have yet to steer me wrong. Except when you were out of stock in something, but that was probably a sign that I should be happy with what I have and not get more. And for that I thank you.

You have been there whenever I needed you. A night out, convocation, lazy days, you were there through it all. You hardly ever disappoint me and continue to keep me coming back for more.

However, in recent months, through my browsing of your various styles, for some reason all of your dresses appear to be tops. As in, they are quite simply not long enough. I'm not even talking "I'll just wear tights with that." I'm talking, well this is another tunic style top to go with leggings.

The reason I fell for you F21 was because you made clothes that were suitable for all. And I do truly love your dresses, but I am not 5'9 and 100 pounds with no chest. And that's perfectly fine if you are that size, you're beautiful. But, these double d's are going to pull that dress up at least an inch. And my stomach maybe another half an inch. What I'm getting at here is that what is long enough for one person is not long enough for all.

I want to wear your dresses for work and play, you know, activities we used to do together. I could get off work and just head straight to supper with you. No longer, because I can't wear these short dresses to work and I feel like leggings make me look slightly unprofessional. (Although they are worn non-stop on the weekends).

I'm just asking you Forever 21, to please, please add a few more inches at the bottom. I don't want to have to start looking elsewhere because I am comfortable with you and moving on just seems so stupid when the situation is easily remedied.

I will probably never stop shopping your website, but once again, please, just add the extra fabric.

Yours truly (and faithfully),

Why not

So because I am in love with this idea, I'm mouching off Kerri over at her blog and asking the pressing questions I know we are all dying to know the answer to.

- Why isn't Subway on my street? Seriously the fact that I have drive so far to get it is a bit much.

- Why isn't teleportation a thing yet? I should be able to go where I want when I want. Which would mean waking up way later than I normally do and still being on time.

-Why isn't it easier to go to grad school? Just let me submit one thing and get in kthnx.

- Why am I still working 5 days a week 9-5? Where is the justice? Give me three days off come on.

- Why am I still forced to see overwhelming barriers against women everday?

- Most importantly, why am I still not Beyonce? That's all anyone really wants in life am I right?

What questions do you think should be answered?

I have to write the GRE tomorrow and I just do not care. I really just want to move to France. I haven't told anyone about my plan yet, but that makes it all the better no?

I'm also all of sudden dying with a cold and it had better not be strep throat. Ain't nobody got time for that am I right?

Also linking up to Listed Tuesday,

Check it out!

Listed Tuesday

Travel Thursdays: Amsterdam

I've decided I want to share more of my semester abroad! Well I guess technically I'm writing it because I want to always remember it, but now you can come along!

Amsterdam - Feb. 20th - 23rd 2014

We figured Amsterdam would be a good place to start our European travels. A lot to see, but you can get a lot done in just a couple of days.

We made it to the Anne Frank house, The rijksmuseum, the heineken museum, a canal cruise, a coffeeshop, the red light district and on a pub crawl.

I am by no means an art person but I was fairly excited when I saw Van Gogh's self portrait!

The canal's are beautiful:

The really sad thing is that I don't have any pictures of the red light district. We went to one bar and my friend's purse got stolen so we spent the whole night in the police station. She lost her wallet, cell phone, camera, passport EVERYTHING. The police did show up to our hostel though at like 3am because they found her purse! Her passport was in it thankfully. And then the next day they found her wallet!! But she had already cancelled her cards, which rendered them useless. I guess that $500 canadian dollar limit didn't get them very far.

We went to a coffeeshop and it was awesome/really bizarre. Everyone was just chilling, smoking and hanging out. Coming from Newfoundland, it's definitely a surreal experience. 

Of course the Heineken brewery tour. I will be the first to admit I am not the biggest Heineken fan, but for whatever reason it is so good when you have it there. Probably because it hasn't been packaged and shipped across the atlantic before reaching my mouth. 

(thumbs up for TERRIBLE iphone pictures)

We also went on a pub crawl! It's called the "Best night ever" crawl or something. You got free shots (re: they had bottles and you opened your mouth and they poured the alcohol in).

We did get awesome shirts!!

And if I didn't get a picture in the sign what was I even doing there.

Have you ever been to Amsterdam? What was your favourite part? I would go back in a heartbeat! 

Life choices

I don't think there has ever been a time in my life where I was sure about anything. I know what I like to do, and I know I can see myself doing those things, it's all just a matter of when.

Ever since I came back from France, my whole family and my friends have had the attitude that "ok you've had you're fun, time to move back home and be serious and think about what you want to do with your life and make some money"

To certain degree, I agreed with them. I'm 24, I should probably have something I want to do, and the means and motivation to do it. As a 16 year old, I envisioned my 24 year old self as having started my career, being engaged and thinking about a future with my children here in Newfoundland. That's the funny thing about life though, it generally never ends up how you expect it would.

I know that I would love to do Speech-Pathology. Or Special education. Those are the areas that interest me, and while I might not get into school the first time, there is always room for improvements and I can always try again. Initially, coming back from France I was ready to work and then apply to grad schools. I signed up for the GRE, bought the materials; this is what my future was and I had to start now.

But then I got job. Then I wondered, why would I not take advantage of opportunities I have now and figure out life after. I almost hate myself for thinking this, but what about my boyfriend? He's over in France with no future plans to move anywhere near here. I'm a huge mess of what am I going to do.


1) I could stay on the path I'm on now, and apply to grad school and education and start in september.

2) I could start writing my thesis, then continue with school in september.

3) I could put school on hold and work until next summer, saving money so I can go and teach english in France for 7 months.

To be completely honest, I am more inclined to do the third. I'm sure my parents and friends will have a few choice words for that decision, but ultimately, it's what I want. It sounds crazy to say I'm moving to France to be with my boyfriend, but that's not the only reason. School will always be there. I would rather start my career too late and have stories to tell my kids and grand-kids than look back wished I that I had done it.

And maybe it will be the wrong decision, but there's only one way to find out.

5 things I hate about september

Oh hello.

So here we are again, another week in the books. I started back to class this week and I can't say I'm really excited about my stats class, but we'll see.

Trying to find 5 something to write about was a bit hard this week as I didn't do very much. But since september is upon us, I figured I would share without, the things I hate ok ok, dislike about this month.

Let's go!

1) Back to school

Don’t get me wrong, I love school supplies just as much as the next person, but I grow tired of the constant studying and reading things I don’t want too. Maybe I should just get my life together be done with university altogether then I wouldn’t even have this problem! (nah..)

2)  Pumpkin spice everything

I might be the only girl in the world to say this, I hate the pumpkin spice trend. I don’t like the coffee, I don’t like the smell and I hate the taste. Please starbucks calm down on the advertising. I just want to enjoy my caramel frapp in peace!

3)  September weather

Like me on a Friday night, the weather in september is torn between what to do. Do I want to get dressed up and make the most of this beautiful , hot summer night? Or, should I just put some sweats on because it’s -5 (celsius) because HELLO FALL. This is almost worse in school because the humdity is unbearable and there is no air conditioning at my uni..

4)  Holidays

There aren’t any in september. OH  except at the beginning of the month when you’re still in summer mode anyway. I love labour day but I dread the next month until I get to have another 4 day week

5) New clothes

Because the temperature is changing you HAVE to buy new clothes. Spend all that money, the worst. Ok so really I was just looking for a fifth thing to put here because shopping is one my favourite things to do anddddd I might have made an order on forever 21 today. Maybe.

What do you love or hate about September? 

When your friends register you for a road race

From looking at me, you can CLEARLY tell that I am by no means a runner. My idea of working out is walking around the mall or from the car into subway.

My general attitude towards running:

My friends decided it would great if we all ran a race together so they went ahead and signed me up. Fortunately, it's only 5k. Unfortunately that is still 5k more than I have ever run and the race is in two weeks. So basically you can sum this up as I am 100% screwed.

In order to prepare myself a little for what will quite possibly be my demise, I downloaded Map my Fitness. which is an app that tracks how long you've run, how far etc.
I went for a "run" (walk/run/mostly walk) yesterday and this was the result:

Not as bad as I had anticipated. Honestly it was the calories I burned that kept me going at all which I now is the worst way to measure a workout but hey at least SOMETHING was motivating me to keep going.

And just as always, I am rewarding myself today with McDonalds for supper. I live an extremely balanced lifestyle.

Have any of you ever run a road race? Please give me some of your tips so I don't perish in a 5km race!