When that boyfriend thing happens

Try as I may and try as I might, a part of me is one of those girls that spends too much time with their significant other when they first get together. Although I suppose it's a bit different for me given the distance thing, but when S was home for Christmas I didn't go one day without seeing him.

But we also skype or facetime everyday, and text constantly. Which if he was here I assume would translate into constant hangs of pizza and netflix. Maybe it's a blessing because I would be approx. 40 pounds heavier if that was my routine.

I've noticed it in my friends too. It's like we all say that we would never do such a thing, but it happens anyway. I was never really one of those girls who was like waiting around for a boyfriend or cared that much, but apparently it was something I was subconsciously craving. One of my friends always has a boyfriend and she doesn't necessarily ditch us but she would spend a lot of time with them. Funny how I was so critical then and now look at me. (Don't mind the bangs, they are the ruining my life atm).

I've also noticed this happening in the blog world. People are all about their blogs and then it slows gradually once they are in a relationship. And I am certainly not saying this is a bad thing, because like I said, I'm just as guilty. And hey girl, you deserve to be happy. It just makes me sad because I loved blogs when people posted just about their everyday lives. But things happen in waves and cycles! Maybe it'll make a comeback. 

I would just like to understand what it is about relationships that make us do this crazy thang ya feel? Like I was fine hanging with my friends all the time and now all of sudden it's like love has me doing this crazy things and want to constantly be in this person's presence. I guess that is what love does? 

I guess life is all about balance, because I definitely don't want to lose my friends, but what takes precedent? I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore.

You see? Love makes you stupid and not be able to keep a constant train of thought. OH MY.


  1. Hey - you're back!

    Yeah it's funny because one of my best friends made a similar point recently because she wasn't lucky in love for quite a while and used to get mad at everyone else for hanging out with their significant others, but now she has a serious boyfriend and things have changed! She moved away so I don't see her in person but she has made comments to me over the phone about how all she does is hang out with her boyfriend and she wouldn't have it any other way.

    I think it's one of those things that you have to experience to actually "get it". I find it so hard to understand why people feel the need to share every little thing their baby is doing, but I don't have one so I have no idea how I'd react if I were in the same situation!

    1. So true about the babies!! I guess if I had my own I would want everyone to know about them haha.
