Being a pretend teacher

Being a pretend teacher an intern so tiring. I mean I know that being a regular teacher is tiring, I just had never felt this exhausted before.
That being said, the kids are sweet as pie and they do like being at school even though doing worksheets and answering questions might not be their favourite thing. But like, can you really blame them?

I haven't actually taught any lessons yet but I have been reading to them, and asking them questions about topics they are learning about to see if they can recall. It's been pretty fun so far and my co-op teacher is so nice and so laid back. We get along really well which will definitely help me get through it.

Anyway, enough school talk. Unless of course you're looking for a cure to you insomnia because I'm pretty sure this would be a full proof method.

Other than that, life is pretty good. I really hate being in a distance relationship though. It is great for me school wise but like I just want someone to cuddle with me and have a beer and eat bad food with. I can do that with friends but it's just not the same you know? Anyway S will be home in February because we have the same birthday (so cute it's almost vomit inducing). It'll be a short and sweet weekend but I can't wait to see him.

I would love to say that this is a new year so a new me but I spent this last week doing what I do best which is spend too much damn money on eating out.


 I ate at home ONCE this week, tonight. And tomorrow we are getting sushi for lunch. Is this where YOLO comes into play? Do people still use YOLO? I feel old.

I think I've had 1 too many Stellas tonight so I will have to bid you adieu.

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