Everything's coming up Janet

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I have actually had the most amazing weekend AND monday. That's right, I had a great monday despite the freak snowstorm that decided to hit St. John's this afternoon.

I'll start with the truly amazing part where I booked a return flight to Dublin for $300! That's it! I was staring at the screen forever deciding if  I was going to book it or not. I decided it was too good of a deal to pass up so I did. And I am going alone (tentatively). It's only for 2 weeks but I am determined to fit in as much as possible!

Here are the destinations I want to hit:

Dublin (obviously):



and finally, Budapest:

If you (or anyone you know) have been to any of these places please let me know! I want to to know what the best sites to see are.

I also bought a backpack asap and it shipped today and I cannot wait to get it. 

I am kind of nervous, but mostly excited about travelling alone. I will be able to do exactly what I want on my own terms. However I love to be around people so hopefully I don't get too lonely! I have friend living in Scotland at the moment who said she might interested in going so hopefully that works out!

And to top it all of, I got accepted into the education program at my university which means I'm a step closer to becoming a real person. maybe.

How did your monday treat you?? Extremely well I hope!

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