Happy International Day of Happiness! - Life lately

Coincidental that this day also happens to fall on a friday? I think not.

As if friday isn't reason enough to be in a good mood, just remember things could be worse because this could have been your monday (it was mine):

Yup. Thank you so much mother nature for dumping 30 cm on us again. There is nothing the atlantic provinces love MORE than MORE snow the last week of winter.

But aside from that, this week has been pretty stellar. I mean it WAS St. Patrick's, and what kind of Irish-Newfoundlander would I be if I didn't celebrate?

I even made sure my pasty white skin was out to play!

AND and and AND
The Osheaga lineup was finally revealed, in the cutest/most addictive way possible. Through a game for your phone.
Here are just two of the 4 postcards they revealed, MY FLORENCE + THE MACHINE DREAM IS COMING TRUE

In a more serious but not less happy twist, my ex-boyfriend from France booked a ticket to come visit me. We have still be talking since the breakup, so I haven't really felt like we actually broke up. It's been a very confusing couple of months as I'm still trying to work out the logistics of if we can ever actually be together or if we are doomed to lifelong distance. I definitely have mixed emotions about him coming. Obviously I am excited but also nervous about how I'll feel. Will the feelings still be there, will I want to uproot my life even though I'm 99.9% sure he wouldn't uproot his to move here. I mean he can't speak english so there's that. I'm also worried that it'll end like last time and I'll be lonely and heartbroken all over again and a large part of me wonders if I'm even ready to take that chance.

But can you really ask someone to cancel a plane ticket across the world? (re: Atlantic ocean)

Anyway, however your week went, remember tomorrow is another day and it also happens to be saturday. It's the little things!

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