That IS my name

The struggle is oh so real for myself (and others I imagine) who doesn't have a name that is regular enough to appear on trendy items such as makeup products, or drink products (YEAH I'M LOOKING AT YOU COKE. Whatever, I'd rather share a pepsi with someone anyway).

But, NARS has come in to save the day, and in a STUNNING colour might I add. Their new fall Audacious collection features a lipstick with, you guessed it, the name Janet. And man oh man did they hit the nail on the head when it comes to my preferred lipstick colour.

Here it is, in all it's glory: the NARS Janet lipstick

(all photos taken from Temptalia)
Although I'm more bias towards loving that colour, the other ones are phenomenal as well. 

Safe to say I will be adding many of these to my lipstick collection.

What do you think?

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