Thinking out loud

Hola amigos!

I've had a lot to talk about this week and nothing at the same time. I plan on participating in Belinda's Blog Everday in May challenge so hopefully that'll bring me back here! No that I've been away, just silent I guess. Don't worry, I have still been creeping on and reading everyone else's blogs.

It's that thursday time of the week again where I let you know what I've been thinking about. I'm sure you're all dying to know. Who wouldn't be?

Let's link up!


I bought an ipad mini this week and I don't know how I feel about it. I really like it but I probably shouldn't be dropping $300 dollars on something before I start school. Whoops. 

I wish student loans would get back to me already. I need to know how much money I'll have over the semester. 

I wish I had the motivation to make something for myself for lunch. I am honestly just so lazy and there is a Subway like 3 seconds away from my office.

There is a website going around my city where guys are posting nudes of girls and other guys are posting names of girls asking if anyone has nudes of them. I DON'T GET IT. I don't understand the mindset of these people. And when someone says "well maybe don't take nudes in the first place and be a whore" my blood boils. 

I have $40 worth of Forever21 gift cards to use and I am really struggling with what to pick out online.

Moving house is hard. And it's not even me who's moving. You realize how much JUNK you have accumulated over the years. 

Saturday cannot come soon enough. Here's where I'll be:
The closest I'll be getting to France for a while. Bring on the wine!

Whatcha thinkin' bout?


  1. I'm so glad I saw this post today - I'll definitely be participating in Blog Everyday in May! I was terrible in April so this will be the perfect way to get me back into it

    I've been thinking about getting an iPad Mini a lot lately but its the $300 price tag that stops me from hitting 'checkout' online - that's a flight to Vegas! haha

    1. yay!! we'll suffer our way through.. - I mean, KILL IT, in may.

      I think the iPad is going back haha. but it's so pretty...

  2. taste of France sounds awesome! have fun!
