The Girl On the Train

Hello hello hello.

So last week when I was going to Ottawa , we experience significant delays at every airport. Since I forgot to bring a book with me, my first stop was to the Relay at the Halifax airport and buy one.
I had heard a lot of good things about The Girl On the Train (even the girl at the store said it was amazing) so I picked it up.

Once I picked it up I seriously couldn't put it down. I've never usually been one to go for the thriller type books but I was drawn to this one.

The book follows Rachel, a woman recently divorced whose days are filled with watching people go about their lives from the train. The book involves her ex, his new wife and neighbours down the road. There are affairs, drinking problems, troubled souls, essentially everything to make up a good psychological thrill.

I really love Hawkins' writing style and her story telling. You are seriously kept in suspense until the very end. There are a lot of twists that you wouldn't expect, and just when you think you know the outcome, you don't any more. I've been told this is similar to Gone Girl which is a movie I loved but have yet to read the book.

I would 100% recommend this to anyone!

Since picking this book up, I wonder why I ever let myself get away with not reading. I go through spurts where I just stop for no reason. After I finished this book I went to chapters to find a new one, something on the lighter side.

From what I read, this book is just a light read that is meant to be relate-able and fun. A woman as she tries to find love through different routes and rules, by different books if you must. I haven't started reading it just yet but I am going to dive in tonight.

What books are on your list? I am always in the market for new recommendations (even if I don't pick them up right away!)

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