Packing for the weekend 101 with Janet

I will admit that prior to my semester abroad last winter, I would have been the worst person to give packing advice of any kind. I was notorious for overpacking and making my suitcase overweight. Or of the flip side, not packing enough to sustain me for the duration of the trip. But ever since I had to deal with extreme weight limits and short trips, my packing ways have definitely improved.

I'm heading off to Ottawa tomorrow morning for the weekend for a wedding (pending the amazing Newfoundland weather doesn't have other plans for me). Since it is stuck in that awkward still winter/almost spring but not quite phase, I had to vary what I packed.

I always start by taking out my favourites of each type of garment. There are generally 10 of everything; dresses, sweaters, leggings etc. 
Then I have to narrow down which ones I'm most likely to wear, that gives me about 5 of each thing. Still too much for one weekend. So then I just go withnt the most comfortable/ones that go with the most things. And voila, down to an acceptable amount of clothes needed for a weekend.

(I did go back and fold them properly I promise)

So here is what is included:

- 3 dresses
- 2 pairs of shoes
- 3 sweaters
- 2 pairs of leggings
- 1 bra
- 5 pairs of underwear
- 5 pairs of socks

3 dresses and sweaters might be an overkill, whoops.

I also have to leave lots of room for new clothes because venturing out of Newfoundland to anywhere is like hitting a gold mine. We don't have H&M, Forever21, Sephora.. essentially we have nothing. 

In my carry-on, I like to keep it pretty light, although I also have to squish my purse in there so it might not be so light. Maybe I'll put that in my checked luggage as well.

Book - Mindy Kaling; I am obsessed with her show I couldn't not read her book.
Kate Spade "Paint the Town Red" journal to document my trip. One of my favourite things to do is to write down things about the people around me on the plane. Sometimes it creates a good story.
Kate Spade pencil case but used as a makeshift makeup bag. Just the basics (foundation, mascara, lipstick and brow gel). 
And of course headphones because I like to tune everyone out and watch movies. 

What does your usual long weekend packing list look like? Are you better at packing than me? (I would say without question you probably are).


  1. That Kate Spade pencil bag is so cute, and it makes for the a great makeshift makeup bag! Also love, love, LOVE Mindy's book!

    1. I started reading it while at the dentist and had to stop because i was laughing too much hahaha

  2. I just bought Mindy's book too - can't wait to read it!

    Enjoy your trip

    1. it's so good!! I finished it while waiting in St. John's haha
