A letter to my future self

Hi thirty-something Janet,

At this point in your life you are almost into your late thirties (34..maybe not that late). I hope you can look back be proud of the things you've accomplished and be proud that you've stayed true to yourself.

I know there are two directions you're life could have gone in, so let's play out both scenarios.

1) You are more than likely working as a special education teacher, if not as a guidance counselor. You know that everyday you see a child smile, and progress and you know that you are helping them, even if it's only in a small way. You might have kids, might be married. Maybe you eventually decided that it is something you wanted.

2) How is your life in France? You managed to survive the distance I see. How is Aurélien? Have you guys been to Ireland together finally? I'm glad this worked out for you. I can see that he makes you so happy and you've never regretted the decision to move. You have a stable job there, teaching English, working with translation. It's something you enjoy doing! Planning any trips back to Canada?

Janet mostly I hope that you have really grown into yourself. You've conquered that pesky anxiety, you don't get migraines anymore, you've put your faith in the friends that deserve it and that you're happy. Whatever continent that happens to be taking place on.

You only deserve happiness, everyone does!


twenty-something Janet

Helene in Between Blogtober

1 comment

  1. I love this idea, and that you allowed yourself the possibility of two futures- with lots of wiggle room to see how it pans out! I find considering myself it 10 years very overwhelming!
