Being a night-owl: the struggle

The struggle, is very real. You are constantly torn between wanting to stay up and watch new tv show (or old, and probably an episode you've already seen) or being an adult and going to sleep because you have to be up at 7am (not gonna happen).

Once this battle is conquered, it's on to the next one. Sure you've exited the netflix tab (kudos to you), but you can be damn sure that there is still facebook/twitter/tumblr/youtube, whatever websites you frequent that are sitting open in your google chrome browser. And even though it's 1:30 am and every other normal human is gone to sleep, you decide "just a quick little look to see what's new!" Fast forward to an hour later and you're finally through everything.

Next up, you turn off your laptop and are snuggling in. Then you get uncomfortable and turn over. Then turn over again. And again, and again and again until you sit up extremely frustrated. You look at the clock and what you thought was only 10 minutes of tossing and turning was actually a half hour.

After huffing and puffing you finally get comfortable. But then, the thoughts you ignored for the whole day suddenly consume you. Did I do this? What am I going to do tomorrow? I need to write that email. Is the door locked? I wonder if I'll be alone forever. etc etc. This deep thinking cause you stress which in turn makes you lying on your bed completely pointless.

You shoot a look over to the clock again and it's now 5 am and you could have just stayed up watching your show because you're not asleep anyway.

Out of sheer exhaustion you fall asleep for what feels like 10 minutes when you are rudely (seriously GET SOME MANNERS ALARM CLOCK) awakened by your alarm. And you realize that you have to get up and face the day again but anticipating that amazing nap you're going to take when you get home.

I wish I could say that I have never experienced this, but that would be the biggest lie of my life. I also wish I had some tips for sleeping, but if I did, I wouldn't have stayed up until 3:30 this morning watching Orange is the New Black when I had get up at 7.

Nap time is coming. Soon.

Later alligators!

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