Hello all!
So this past weekend I definitely didn't get up to my usual shenanigans (I need to save my liver for the coming weekend which is George Street Festival aka. drink all week and don't feel bad about it.)
On saturday I participated in the Easter Seals Drop Zone. Easter Seals is a foundation that provides a place for kids with disabilities to come together, learn and grow to their full potential! A great cause. The Drop Zone is annual fundraiser where participants raise money for the foundation and in return get to rappel down the side of a building! This was my first time participating! I wasn't going to do it at first because I'm TERRIFIED of heights, but because a lot of people doubted me and were like "yeah we figured you wouldn't" I decided to prove them wrong. (The best reasoning for doing it? Probably not.)
Here I am rappelling down a 150ft building!

The first initial step over the edge is the hardest, then all you can think about is getting down. Although there were times I thought I HAD to be at least half way and I wasn't even close. I had my family and friends there cheering me on so it was all worth it in the end!
Altogether the fundraiser made $97 000!! It's insane the amount of support I got.
Later that night I went to a potluck where I made chip dip (re: my mom made chip dip), which I thought would suffice, but my friend Harmony made a WHOLE bunch of indian food. So delish.
That's all I got up to this weekend! What about you?
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