So the time has finally come for my friend and I to embark on our short but sure to be amazing trip to Toronto to see One Direction. I know I am not 13 years old and probably have no business being amongst them screaming my lungs out, but I will be.
The one thing I don't have is shame about what I like. If I enjoy some kind of music, I am going to listen to it. It really doesn't impact other people (as long as I'm not forcing What Makes You Beautiful into your ears). I spent a lot of time when I was a teenager trying to fit in with certain groups based purely on music and I hated it. It's so much easier to just listen to what you want and watch what you than appeasing other people. If you can't enough of Florence and the Machine, dance around your room to it; if Snoop Dogg (or lion now? I can't even) really just 'gets you' then by all means fill your ipod with it. Doesn't matter to me.
I will also be purchasing a few items no doubt when we hit up the Eaton Centre.
It'll be nice to get away for while, even if just for a few days. I wish I had the financial ability to travel anywhere I wanted at any time. I know a girl who just goes wherever she wants and it all seems so exciting. I guess a dose of wanderlust is healthy. I want to start planning my next adventure.
Have a good week folks!
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