I like to think I'm being super creative and innovative AND sneaky by writing this in a word document, but I’m sure I’m not the first person to come up with the idea to write a blog post in Word and then copy and paste. I would be giving myself way too much credit if that was the case.
So with all this time on my hands, why not give you the low down on what I did this weekend?
Friday night, my friend Katherine and I decided we were need of a good cry, and I mean a GOOD cry. So we went to see the Fault in Our Stars. I need to start off by saying that I read the book and not once did I shed a tear while reading it. Was it sad? Absolutely! But for whatever reason, there was nothing in it that sent messages to my brain to tell me I should find this so sad that tears should be pouring out. Well, I more than made for the lack of crying while reading the book when I saw the movie. Any time anyone had a sad look on their face, I would start to tear up.
And then there were the real ugly tears. You know, where your face turns red and you start to hyperventilate? They were happening. I don’t think I could ever be a pretty crier. It’s full on waterworks or bust for me. Which is fine, I just wish I had been smart enough to take off my makeup before the movie. But if the worst thing that happens to me is mascara running down my face then I think I’m ok.
The movie was amazing. I would really recommend it. I usually don’t enjoy Shailene Woodley (purely based off of Secret Life of the American Teenager, which I really shouldn’t fault anyone for because I mean it was just a terrible show) but she played the character so well.
After the movie I went home and went to bed. They start movies here at crazy late times like 10:30! I mean that’s a bit late to be starting a movie; some people need their beauty sleep.
On Saturday I headed out for a usual Saturday date with my friend Chris to subway. I wish I could lie to you and pretend that I don’t eat subway on a regular basis or that I’m not weirdly obsessed with it but that just isn’t true. You could feed me that 6-inch turkey all day every day and I would never get sick of it.
Post lunch it was time for me to get my hair did. Needless to say my “bangs” were need of some TLC. I hadn’t gotten my hair cut for a couple of months and it was starting to knot in the back. This made brushing it through a real DREAM. I was so tempted to shave my whole head but I know would have regretted it approx. as soon as it was happening.
After ma hurr appointment, I went back home, up to my room to my laptop; this where I’m likely to be found if I’m at home. I turned on Orange is the New Black which was supposed to be “just one episode” but turned into 3. I’m still not on the second season but I just don’t want it to be over.
After my little binge watching spree, I headed over the liquor and picked out some of Australia’s finest Riesling (re: cheapest):
and got Wendys for supper. I have this idea in my head that anything over 10 dollars is already too much for a bottle of wine so when I’m feeling fancy I go for the Yellow Tail. This all took place at approx. 6pm. Then I had to start getting ready for my friend’s party. And for me, getting ready to go out is a PRODUCTION.
Step one: Shower (even if I’ve already showered that day, but I probably forgot to shave because come on, ain’t nobody got time for that)
Step two: Lay around in a towel for an hour thinking about what you’re going to wear.
Step three: Finally pick out an outfit, only to hate it the second you put it on and end up changing 10 times.
Step four: Give up and just wear the damn outfit you were going in the first place.
Step five: Makeup. Pretend that you know what you’re doing and try to effortlessly blend like they do in youtube videos.
Step 6: Fail miserably. Also get mascara under your eyes because you are definitely a grown woman who can put makeup on. Stick the normal colours that don’t generally cause you any problems.
Step 7: Rethink everything (outfit, makeup etc.) The decide that it’s too late now, you’re already an hour and a half late so just get your butt out the door. So yeah, I need quite a bit of time to get maself all beautimous.
I went to my friend’s house, had a few (many) drinks then went out on the town. We danced, drank some more and then 3 o’clock struck and it was food time. We managed to get a can home rather quickly as well (mostly because the guys who were getting the cab first were nice enough to let us have it).
I am the queen of taking sober looking pictures...
On Sunday I woke up in the wee hours of the morning (9am..which after getting home at 4am is really too early). Sunday afternoon I went to a bridal shower where there was free food. Need I say more? There were many MANY ham sandwiches consumed. The games were cute and everyone had a good time. After the shower my friend Rebecca (from www.rebeccalikesnail.com!) did ma nails!
I love love love them. And they are making typing this up that much more fun. Anyway, that’s about it for me! What trouble did you get into this weekend?
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