Trying to be a healthy human

New year new me etc etc. Not really though, I just in general want to try and be healthier as I eat a lot of crap. I live for the mcdonalds junior chicken, beer, nachos, pizza. Who doesn't I guess. But there was a time in my life about 6 years ago when I was at a super healthy weight and really felt confident and good about myself. Those 30 pounds I once lost have suddenly crept back up on me and it is time for them to go, yo.

The irony of this post is that I am going out to each nachos later tonight. Tuesdays are cheat day I have decided. Because there are some things I refuse to give up and buffalo chicken nachos and beer at trivia are two of those things.

I am hoping by putting this in writing SOMEWHERE I will hold myself accountable but also not get discouraged. I have a day time routine now that I have started my internship and I should be able to incorporate a bit of exercise with that. I have already started bringing salads with me for lunch, and there is nothing, I mean nothing I hate more in this world than salads.

Like why eat this:

When you could eat this:

Please tell me how you convince yourself of that??? Because I am really trying!!!!! Obviously not that hard since I'm gonna eat it tonight soooooooooooo

Anyway, I also got a magic bullet from my sister months ago, figured I should start putting that to good use. Making some smoothies and such.

I'm sure you're all stoked on hearing about people's healthy resolutions, we'll see how long I last with mine. I went to Zumba with my mom last night and my arms are feeling it? That's something right?


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