Thoughts on a Thursday

Linking up with Meagan from beautiful things to express my thoughts on this lovely Thursday


That spring in Newfoundland is never going to come. Why do I continue to put up with freezing rain?

How amazing it is that I was able to get a pair of Hunter boots for free from my work. Booyah!

How did I miss two alarms this morning? I love being late and rushed..said no one ever.

I am so excited to start school again in a couple of weeks.

However, I'm not excited to be in debt again. Worth it?

I ordered a new planner from Kikki K in Australia last week and when I got home yesterday THERE IT WAS.

Last night on the news there was a story about how being happy is a choice. So after I frantically woke up this morning, I've decided that I want to be happier.

Things that make me happy: friends, feeling loved, volunteering, eating good food. Very simple when you think about it.

I still have 6 seasons of Greys Anatomy to watch before I'm caught up.

What are you thinking about?


  1. free hunterboots?!? that is flipping awesome!

    1. Well one is a size 8 and the other is a 9, but that's what insoles were made for right??

  2. free hunter boots, that's amazing!!! Love seeing into your thoughts!

    1. i am so excited about them! thanks darlin' :)
