Dear liver, please forgive me.

Dear liver,

I know I've been terrible to you this past week, but I promise you that it's over for now. I know you won't hold it against me though, because we have made it through about 4 George Street festivals without a hitch.



Here in St. John's, the beginning of august is known as the most wonderful time of the year because it is the beginning of a week long drinking fest. The street with all the bars lets you on the street for just one price and you can get into all of the bars. There are also concerts and food events, it's really an amazing time.

But, sometimes you can get a little carried away. I went out thursday night, saturday night and tuesday night. The nights were fun but the hangovers weren't. I would love  to say I learned my lesson for next year, but I will probably be writing this post a year from now.

I hope you all had a lovely\weekend, even though tomorrow is friday. I'm going to spend my weekend in recovery mode.

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