6 reasons why camping is 100% not my thing

This past weekend I went to a friends a cabin for the night and that is about all I am willing to handle. That is about as in touch with nature as I get. The next night my friend wanted to go camping and I replied with a loud and proud HELL TO THE NO, and  here is why.

1) Bugs

I don't enjoy living in a constant fear of being stung, bitten or having something fly into my ears/eyes/hair/any other body part. I don't need ants crawling in my bed and I definitely don't get joy from hearing crickets.

2) No cell reception

Hello it's the 21st century and I shouldn't have to go into the wilderness without the ability to call 911, or go on facebook. Call me high maintenance but I don't want to sit around without songza. Not gonna happen.

3) You are sleeping on the ground

You know what was meant to be slept on? A BED. Not the ground. No an air mattress or a foam pad do not count as a substitute. You what is in the ground? Bugs, animals and other unknown creatures. Why WHY would you put your head next to that?

4) You're freezing when you go to sleep and sweating when you wake up

You are NEVER at a comfortable temperature. You have 100 blankets on you at bed time because it's 2am, you're outside and there's no heat. Well too bad because once the sun comes up that tent heats up like mofo and you are sweating like you've never sweat before and are on the verge of throwing up. YEAH SOUNDS LIKE FUN

5) No showers

Guess what, washing your hair in a muggy pond doesn't actually get the job done. I leave the water feeling more gross than I did when I got in the water which was already pretty disgusting.

6) There is no drive-thru or subway near by

Canned beans, I think not. Bring me to the nearest Wendy's please.

Where the nearest hotel at?


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