Working for the weekend

THANK GOD it is Friday. I made it through my first full week of my new job, which is a feat in itself. (in and of itself? is that how the expression goes? no idea..)

 Now I have done the 9-5 thing before, but it was only ever for a summer job which really meant, do whatever the hell you want as long as you show up because you'll be gone in two months anyway. NOT this time ladies and gents, oh no. This time I am in it for real. I have real responsibilities that can have an impact on the functioning of the company (ok not really a big one but let me just have this ok?).

 So in honour of completing my first full week of real adult life, I'm going to share with you the things I've learned:

 1) You really do need to bring your own lunch. When you're a student it's all good because you're getting the money and likely don't have many other needs that aren't already covered so you can get Subway everyday! (not that I've ever done that..) But in grown up land it's much more economical (and healthier) to bring your own lunch. That being said, I'm not that great at following my own advice so there will probably still be many trips to subway for my precious lunch hour.

 2) Waking up early every day for the rest of your life (or however long you're at this job for). This is a hard one for me. Being in school I've become accustomed to a certain luxury called sleeping in and not dealing with important things. I didn't wanna go to class? Well whatever I'll just stay in bed cause no one can tell me what to do. But now, I really need a valid excuse for not coming in, and I have to report it to someone. And if I were to take a mental health day I'm pretty sure karma would come back and get me and I wouldn't have any sick days left. I used them all up because I "didn't feel like it."

 3) Not everyone you work with is super nice. This probably isn't a new thing since, guaranteed anywhere you there's going to be someone who isn't nice and has no interest in talking to or getting to know you. There is a large degree of separation in departments in my office. I went in the lunchroom today, where I could everyone talking from outside the door, and as soon as I opened that door they all went quiet. They are all people who sit on the other side of the building. It was fine, I was only going in to get my diet pepsi and leave anyway.

 There are a few more things, but I'm already late getting to go out so I should probably do that! But before I go, I'm joining up on the Back that Azz Up tag with Whitney over at I Wore Yoga Pants!

               This song is my current jam:

Have an amazing weekend everyone!

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