Fridays through the ages

Well well well, friday we finally meet again.

Many fridays have come and gone throughout my 24 years on this planet. While for the first 6-8 years I probably wasn't doing too much on the weekend besides watching TGIF on abc with my mom, I do have some concept of how my friday plans changed throughout the years. (ok they didn't really change that much until I could drink, but you get the point).  Let's dive in shall we?

Ages 9-14

The majority of these fridays I can guarantee you were spent in one of two ways:
1) Going to the movies
2) Sleeping over at my best friend Rebecca's house

Ah yes back in the day when movies were only 5 bucks and the treats were only 6. A time where the whole experience could be achieved for under 10 dollars if you snuck food into the theatre. Which is about the most rebellious thing I did at this age.

Also a time when sleepovers were not sleepovers, they were wakeovers. As in, let's not sleep at all then annoy the shit out of our parents the next day because we are so cranky.

Ages 15-18

This was the highschool time. I half wish I could say I was with everyone else in drinking for the first time, having your first boyfriend, but I was essentially too cool (re: not cool at all) to partake in such activities.

Here's what I was like in highschool for the most part (apologies in advance)

Instead, I would go to my friends house and listen to two of them play emo songs all night and we would all sit around sharing feelings and being the ultimate emo kids. This phase did not last long for me, but hey, when all your friends are doing it, you do too.

I did have a brief stint at the age of 17 of sneaking into bars downtown, but I was always sober. Nowadays I don't know how I ever managed to have patience being sober when going out but I give myself a pat on the back for doing so.

Ages 19-22

Who am I kidding, this still applies now. The legal drinking age where I am is 19 so that was the beginning of the end. My friends and I started going out every friday and saturday night, apparently we didn't experience hangovers at the beginning. Now, I still enjoy a night now, but two days in a row? Count me out. I mean, I will have a glass of wine or a beer, but to sip back an entire bottle and get to drunky pants mode multiple nights in a row? I get super tired. It still happens though, because somehow the thought of a good time outweighs the hangover possibility.

So really, have I changed that much since I was 19? Probably not.

Well I hope you are all having a lovely friday, let's hook up with Whitney over at I Wore Yoga Pants and back that azz up!

This week I present to you the one, the only, Beyoncé:

Have an AMAZING weekend!

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Being a night-owl: the struggle

The struggle, is very real. You are constantly torn between wanting to stay up and watch new tv show (or old, and probably an episode you've already seen) or being an adult and going to sleep because you have to be up at 7am (not gonna happen).

Once this battle is conquered, it's on to the next one. Sure you've exited the netflix tab (kudos to you), but you can be damn sure that there is still facebook/twitter/tumblr/youtube, whatever websites you frequent that are sitting open in your google chrome browser. And even though it's 1:30 am and every other normal human is gone to sleep, you decide "just a quick little look to see what's new!" Fast forward to an hour later and you're finally through everything.

Next up, you turn off your laptop and are snuggling in. Then you get uncomfortable and turn over. Then turn over again. And again, and again and again until you sit up extremely frustrated. You look at the clock and what you thought was only 10 minutes of tossing and turning was actually a half hour.

After huffing and puffing you finally get comfortable. But then, the thoughts you ignored for the whole day suddenly consume you. Did I do this? What am I going to do tomorrow? I need to write that email. Is the door locked? I wonder if I'll be alone forever. etc etc. This deep thinking cause you stress which in turn makes you lying on your bed completely pointless.

You shoot a look over to the clock again and it's now 5 am and you could have just stayed up watching your show because you're not asleep anyway.

Out of sheer exhaustion you fall asleep for what feels like 10 minutes when you are rudely (seriously GET SOME MANNERS ALARM CLOCK) awakened by your alarm. And you realize that you have to get up and face the day again but anticipating that amazing nap you're going to take when you get home.

I wish I could say that I have never experienced this, but that would be the biggest lie of my life. I also wish I had some tips for sleeping, but if I did, I wouldn't have stayed up until 3:30 this morning watching Orange is the New Black when I had get up at 7.

Nap time is coming. Soon.

Later alligators!

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Get your nails done, get your hair did

So since I’ve only just started this job I don’t really have a lot of responsibility yet. I’m sure that will come in time, but for right now I have a lot of free time on my hands but I don’t want to be caught and fired for surfing the interwebz too much. And let’s be honest I do enough of that at home anyway.

I like to think I'm being super creative and innovative AND sneaky by writing this in a word document, but I’m sure I’m not the first person to come up with the idea to write a blog post in Word and then copy and paste. I would be giving myself way too much credit if that was the case.

So with all this time on my hands, why not give you the low down on what I did this weekend?


Friday night, my friend Katherine and I decided we were need of a good cry, and I mean a GOOD cry. So we went to see the Fault in Our Stars. I need to start off by saying that I read the book and not once did I shed a tear while reading it. Was it sad? Absolutely! But for whatever reason, there was nothing in it that sent messages to my brain to tell me I should find this so sad that tears should be pouring out. Well, I more than made for the lack of crying while reading the book when I saw the movie. Any time anyone had a sad look on their face, I would start to tear up.

And then there were the real ugly tears. You know, where your face turns red and you start to hyperventilate? They were happening. I don’t think I could ever be a pretty crier. It’s full on waterworks or bust for me. Which is fine, I just wish I had been smart enough to take off my makeup before the movie. But if the worst thing that happens to me is mascara running down my face then I think I’m ok.

The movie was amazing. I would really recommend it. I usually don’t enjoy Shailene Woodley (purely based off of Secret Life of the American Teenager, which I really shouldn’t fault anyone for because I mean it was just a terrible show) but she played the character so well.

After the movie I went home and went to bed. They start movies here at crazy late times like 10:30! I mean that’s a bit late to be starting a movie; some people need their beauty sleep.


 On Saturday I headed out for a usual Saturday date with my friend Chris to subway. I wish I could lie to you and pretend that I don’t eat subway on a regular basis or that I’m not weirdly obsessed with it but that just isn’t true. You could feed me that 6-inch turkey all day every day and I would never get sick of it.

 Post lunch it was time for me to get my hair did. Needless to say my “bangs” were need of some TLC. I hadn’t gotten my hair cut for a couple of months and it was starting to knot in the back. This made brushing it through a real DREAM. I was so tempted to shave my whole head but I know would have regretted it approx. as soon as it was happening.

 After ma hurr appointment, I went back home, up to my room to my laptop; this where I’m likely to be found if I’m at home. I turned on Orange is the New Black which was supposed to be “just one episode” but turned into 3. I’m still not on the second season but I just don’t want it to be over.

After my little binge watching spree, I headed over the liquor and picked out some of Australia’s finest Riesling (re: cheapest):

 and got Wendys for supper. I have this idea in my head that anything over 10 dollars is already too much for a bottle of wine so when I’m feeling fancy I go for the Yellow Tail. This all took place at approx. 6pm. Then I had to start getting ready for my friend’s party. And for me, getting ready to go out is a PRODUCTION.

Step one: Shower (even if I’ve already showered that day, but I probably forgot to shave because come on, ain’t nobody got time for that)

Step two: Lay around in a towel for an hour thinking about what you’re going to wear.

Step three: Finally pick out an outfit, only to hate it the second you put it on and end up changing 10 times.

Step four: Give up and just wear the damn outfit you were going in the first place.

Step five: Makeup. Pretend that you know what you’re doing and try to effortlessly blend like they do in youtube videos.

Step 6: Fail miserably. Also get mascara under your eyes because you are definitely a grown woman who can put makeup on. Stick the normal colours that don’t generally cause you any problems.

Step 7: Rethink everything (outfit, makeup etc.) The decide that it’s too late now, you’re already an hour and a half late so just get your butt out the door. So yeah, I need quite a bit of time to get maself all beautimous.

I went to my friend’s house, had a few (many) drinks then went out on the town. We danced, drank some more and then 3 o’clock struck and it was food time. We managed to get a can home rather quickly as well (mostly because the guys who were getting the cab first were nice enough to let us have it).

I am the queen of taking sober looking pictures...

On Sunday I woke up in the wee hours of the morning (9am..which after getting home at 4am is really too early). Sunday afternoon I went to a bridal shower where there was free food. Need I say more? There were many MANY ham sandwiches consumed. The games were cute and everyone had a good time. After the shower my friend Rebecca (from!) did ma nails!

I love love love them. And they are making typing this up that much more fun. Anyway, that’s about it for me! What trouble did you get into this weekend?
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Working for the weekend

THANK GOD it is Friday. I made it through my first full week of my new job, which is a feat in itself. (in and of itself? is that how the expression goes? no idea..)

 Now I have done the 9-5 thing before, but it was only ever for a summer job which really meant, do whatever the hell you want as long as you show up because you'll be gone in two months anyway. NOT this time ladies and gents, oh no. This time I am in it for real. I have real responsibilities that can have an impact on the functioning of the company (ok not really a big one but let me just have this ok?).

 So in honour of completing my first full week of real adult life, I'm going to share with you the things I've learned:

 1) You really do need to bring your own lunch. When you're a student it's all good because you're getting the money and likely don't have many other needs that aren't already covered so you can get Subway everyday! (not that I've ever done that..) But in grown up land it's much more economical (and healthier) to bring your own lunch. That being said, I'm not that great at following my own advice so there will probably still be many trips to subway for my precious lunch hour.

 2) Waking up early every day for the rest of your life (or however long you're at this job for). This is a hard one for me. Being in school I've become accustomed to a certain luxury called sleeping in and not dealing with important things. I didn't wanna go to class? Well whatever I'll just stay in bed cause no one can tell me what to do. But now, I really need a valid excuse for not coming in, and I have to report it to someone. And if I were to take a mental health day I'm pretty sure karma would come back and get me and I wouldn't have any sick days left. I used them all up because I "didn't feel like it."

 3) Not everyone you work with is super nice. This probably isn't a new thing since, guaranteed anywhere you there's going to be someone who isn't nice and has no interest in talking to or getting to know you. There is a large degree of separation in departments in my office. I went in the lunchroom today, where I could everyone talking from outside the door, and as soon as I opened that door they all went quiet. They are all people who sit on the other side of the building. It was fine, I was only going in to get my diet pepsi and leave anyway.

 There are a few more things, but I'm already late getting to go out so I should probably do that! But before I go, I'm joining up on the Back that Azz Up tag with Whitney over at I Wore Yoga Pants!

               This song is my current jam:

Have an amazing weekend everyone!

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Long time no post

So I kinda sorta completely fell off the blogging wagon. I guess I deemed my life not interesting enough for people to want to read, without really realizing that at least I would be able to look back on what happened and laugh, even if no one else is laughing with me.

ANYWHO. Since my last post here I spent 5 amazing months living in France and travelling around Europe during an exchange program with my university. It was amazing. This time going away was a bit different because I wasn't going with someone I really knew. The girl I lived with I had worked with for about 3 weeks and that was it. So I was basically moving in with a stranger in a new country in a different language.

Safe to say, even though there were ups and downs, I had the time of my life.

I became the typical tourist:

Those are only a few. I managed to get to Amsterdam, Rome, Venice, Cinque Terre, Barcelona, Athens, London, Lyon, Paris, Prague and couple of smaller cities and towns in France. There wasn't enough time (or money because let's be honest I was buying at least one dress and more than one bottle of wine during each trip) to visit everywhere but I think I definitely made the most of my time there!

Oh yeah, I was also in school there but like, travelling, am I right?

I also managed to snag myself a French man
who I am beyond excited to go back and visit in October. 

As of right now, I am back home doing the 9-5, monday- friday life. It's not awful, I mean it's going to take me a while to get back into the habit of waking up any time before noon. It's good but extremely bittersweet to be back home. I am super happy to be back with my friends and family but I definitely miss the french life!

I think that's it for this update. I guess I should do some work.