Travel thursdays: Rome

Oh hello and welcome back to the show. Sorry for the brief (3 day) intermission. I was just busy and stuff ok. /lazy and there wasn't anything I was doing that could really be of any interest to anyone.

Excuse done.

It's time for another episode of Travel Thursdays. This week we explore my adventure to Rome!

Ever since the Lizzie Mcguire movie and When in Rome with the Olsen twins came out, I envisioned myself in Rome and it being a magical and life changing experience. Forgetting that it was a HUGE city and with  A LOT of people.

Not that any of the magic was ruined of course. We made Italy a week long trip, also hitting up Pisa, Cinque Terre and Venice. But those are for another post.

Rome was the first stop and after dealing with many language barriers, lack of map reading skills and walking around for 15 minutes, we finally found our hostel. It was a cute little place with just 2 rooms of four beds and the host was a sweetheart. 

We got to all the big sites of course, the pantheon, the trevi fountain etc. etc.
It looks cooler in picture form:


Trevi fountain (cue Lizzie McGuire fangirl moment here)

oh look it's me!

The spanish steps

Our second night there we went out on the town and got a little too drunk and paid way too much money to get into a club but you know, yolo and stuff.

The next day my friend Katie and I went to Pisa. We wanted to go Florence but didn't have enough time so we hit up a bunch of bars instead and continued to drink on the train ride back to rome. Once back we were still ready to go so we got dressed and went out again.

The only way to describe the following day was hangover hell. And we decided to go to St. Peter's square. And climb to the stop of the tower. Up the 500 winding stairs. Hungover. The view was so worth it though.

The we tried to go to the colosseum but it was CLOSED. The one place I wanted to visit more than any other and it was CLOSED. Because it was Carnaval. Whatever, we could still stand outside and it was still nice.

Pretty nice, pretty nice.

And the night before our train to Cinque Terre we went out again and met some basketball players from the states. 

All in all, I really enjoyed my trip to Rome. Minus the rain (the whole 4 days we were there), and the sometimes creepy civilians, it was amazing. Was it magical? Maybe not. Although I did get asked out so, that's a plus?

Me and katie trying our best to not be hungover while the Pope talks.

I hope you are all enjoying your week and if you didn't well hey tomorrow is Friday that's reason enough to celebrate.

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