Happiest of fridays to you! Although all my days lately feel like friday but in a few short weeks it'll be back to the teaching grind. It makes me really sad that summer is coming to an end but hey that's life.
Anyway I wanted to make a post today, but couldn't think of anything really worth writing about. Then I hopped on here and saw that Kayla over at
Keeping up with K had done this nice little question thing and I was like hey, Imma do that too!
So here we go!
50 Random Questions (you were probably never going to ask me but now you have the answers!)
1. What’s your favorite candle scent? I might be the only person in the world who doesn't really use candles. Although I am a huge fan of those Glade candles you can get, the berry one smells amazing.
2. What female celebrity do you wish you were related to? Probably Beyonce. Or maybe Taylor Swift, I think we would get along.
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother? Seth Rogen
4. What’s your favorite thing about marriage? (And if you’re not married, what’s your favorite thing about being single?) Not married but my favourite thing about being in a relationship is always having someone to go to supper with me and to binge watch tv shows with me.
5. What’s one thing you own that you should probably get rid of, but just can’t? Clothes. I have clothes from like 4 years ago that will definitely never fit me but I'm always like WELL MAYBE ONE DAY. No Janet, that day isn't coming.
6. Can you do a split? That's a hard no.
7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? 7 I think.
8. How many oceans have you swam in? I've only swam in the Atlantic, but I've dipped my toes in the Pacific.
9. How many countries have you been to? 10! Canada, US, Cuba, France, English, Spain, Czech Republic, Greece and Italy.
10. Is anyone in your family in the army? Nope.
11. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child? Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Carebears, there was some show about dogs I loved but can't for the life of me remember the name.
12. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight? Cinderella I'm pretty sure.
13. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series? Nope. Because I used to think my sister was really uncool and she loved them so I wouldn't go near them haha.
14. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent? British, 100%. I find them so relaxing to listen to. I have a friend from Essex and I love skyping with her just to hear her accent.
15. Have you ever taken karate lessons? No way.
16. Do you know who Kermit the frog is? Duh
17. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to? If you count it, Thomas Amusements which is like a traveling amusement park across Newfoundland, but a legit one is Rainbow Valley in PEI. (RIP to that park).
18. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in? I am already pretty fluent in French (i'd say 85-90%) but I would love to learn Spanish or Czech.
19. Do you spell the color as grey or gray? Grey
20. Do you know triplets? Yes! A couple of my best friends are triplets actually!
21. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook? Probably the Titantic. But then there's Ryan Gosling. Tough call.
22. Have you ever had Indian food? Yep and my stomach hates me every time.
23. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant? Yellowbelly Brewery in St. John's. I challenge you to find better nachos than their buffalo chicken ones. Go on, just try.
24. Have you ever been to Olive Garden? Yep! Think I almost died of bread overdose though.
25. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender? Ummm I don't think they thought about it. They wanted to know the gender.
26. If you have a nickname, what is it? Jan. Short for Janet. So original.
27. Who’s your favorite person in the world? Probably Spencer. And all my friends. And myself.
28. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs? Definitely suburbs. I am NOT but out for the rural life.
29. Can you whistle? Not really well.
30. Do you sleep with a nightlight? Nope
31. Do you eat breakfast every morning? No because I'm the worst at being healthy.
32. How many times have you been to the hospital? Probably 5 times, but I've never had to stay or anything.
33. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? Of course!
34. Where do you buy your jeans? Garage, Eclipse. But I mostly wear leggings so.
35. What’s the last compliment you got? That I was genuine and kind. Always nice to hear!
36. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning? Little bits and pieces
37. Favorite beverage that isn’t water? Diet pepsiiii
38. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? Probablyyyyy 30-35
39. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real? Grade 2. I found my Spice Girls Barbie dolls in my parents closest. Pretty depressing hahaha.
40. What is one food that you used to hate but now you love? I have one I used to love and now hate! Omelettes. I used to love them but when I was 14 I got my molars out and it was basically all I could eat and now the thought of eating one makes me wanna vomit.
41. What is a weird lie you’ve told? That I was from a small town staying at a sketchy hotel to get some guy to back off haha.
42. Heels or flats? Flats.
43. Do you have any weird phobias? Not weird ones I don't think..
44. What is a phrase or word you always say? Yes by and rude. Always.
45. What is a song that you blast or belt out when you are alone? Right now it's Feels or whatever with Katy Perry and Calvin Harris. Depends on my mood usually.
46. What is one of your biggest pet peeves? People who walk around and pay no attention to other people around them. PEOPLE WHO DON'T INDICATE WHEN THEY ARE TURNING.
47. Do you sleep with your closet door open or closed? Open. Because it's too full and stuffed that it won't close :)
48. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? Probably bees, I mean you could at least try and run and they would go. I wouldn't stand a chance against a bear.
49. Do you have any weird things you do? I always check to make sure the door is locked, like multiple times over.
50. What movie could you watch over and over again and still love? Mean Girls. To be honest I very rarely re-watch movies. Although any Jennifer Lopez movies I could watch again and again.
Wooooo that was fun. I'm off to Costco with my parents then Boston Pizza for some fishbowl Friday action.