Thursday musings

I honestly feel like March is never going to end. I can't remember if I've already said that, but like, next week is STILL March. Maybe it's because I know I have a break coming up and I will be off work for 10 days, maybe it's because of this alcohol thing. Who knows, but dammit I need April to come.

Here are my thoughts for today:

- As stressful as being a teacher can be, sometimes little things make it better. I had given a girl in my class some homework, she was staying after school for piano lessons so she finished it before she left. Anyway I came back to my desk to this:

She just left me a note on her homework saying to have a good supper. It's just a little thing but it was so sweet coming back to that after a stressful day!

- I've started new units in Science with my class and will be starting new Math units next week. It's making me feel like I've progressed but also not because I still have a lot to cover with them and only a few months left to do it. I'm sure all new teachers, probably even teachers who've been at it for a while, feel this way. It's a lot to handle!

- This no alcohol thing is going pretty well. I haven't bought any, I've been in social situations this week and haven't really desired any. That being said I'm assuming that the weekend will be a bit more difficult but I can stick to it. We have a trivia thing coming up though before my non-alcohol days end and it's super tempting. But I don't want to give in and then feel terrible about myself afterwards. Or feel like I'm basically incapable of not drinking. Even though it'll have been about 2 weeks at that point, but I don't feel like that's enough. Why do I have no willpower!!

- I've been watching Parks and Rec with Spencer these past couple of weeks and I'm obsessed. I can't get enough of that Lesley Knope.


I've also been obsessed with the Real World Seattle. It's season 32! It deserves an award for longest running shit show if you ask me. When I really don't want to think, this is the time of stuff I go for haha.

- Blogging: How people come up with what to blog every day? I struggle with topics a lot, how do you know what people even wanna read! Oh magical mysterious blog land. 

How's your week been? Are you ready for Friday?? I know I sure am! 

Bye goes the booze!

I hope you all had a great weekend! I got out on friday to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with some friends. We just went to house party then ordered food when we got home. A success if you ask me.

I didn't take many pictures, but doesn't that just mean I was having a great time? haha

However, after this weekend I came to a realization.

I am no stranger to drinking. I enjoy relaxing with a beer, I enjoy going out with my friends for drinks on the weekends. But I am trying to lead a healthier lifestyle and unfortunately a part of that involves no booze. I know there are times that I drink too much, so I am making this to hold myself accountable for the next 25 days. I even went to yoga this morning. Spencer is also getting on board. Not having alcohol in the house is the first step in the right direction haha, I drank whatever I had left on friday night.

Making effort.

So yeah. The next time I get any time off will be our easter break so I figured that was a good timeline. I just want to see what difference no alcohol will make in my life. By the time the 25 days is over I'll be on a week long break so we'll see how much I crave it once I have no work commitments to make for a week.

Have any of you given up booze? Have any tips?

I hope Monday isn't too painful for you guys!!


So it's finally St. Patrick's Day. I have had some interesting experiences over the years celebrating this holiday. Some I remember more than others haha. But it has always remained on of my favourite holidays to celebrate. I don't know if it's because I am really into my Irish heritage or if just being in Newfoundland makes it that much more exciting (we like to believe we are a second Ireland).

It's amazing that this holiday also falls on a friday cause what more could you want really. Leave work, get a green beer and celebrate the luck of the Irish. To be perfectly honest, I don't really know what to do to celebrate besides drink. Is that an issue? Probably.

Things I'm happy about:

- It's Friday, so ya know, the weekend. But on fridays I get a 2 hour prep period while the kids are gone to gym. It's nice every once in a while to have silence in the classroom so I can catch up on marking and planning.

- It's sunny. Although Labrador may be cold, the sun makes up for it. I love going outside and having to put my sunnies on, even if it's only because the sun is reflecting off the snow.

- I only had a 4 day week thanks to the snow storm that decided to drop by yesterday! Can we talk about good timing? I will take any excuse to not leave the house, and your landlord not plowing all day is certainly a good one.

What has made you happy about today? How do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day? All I know is I will be drinking some green Hooegarden tonight (and probably a Guiness) and will inevitably have to get Burger King tomorrow.

Here's one St. Paddy's story. In 2012 when I was in Québec, we went to watch the Red Bull Crushed Ice before going to a party. After the event we were walking to the party and I basically slow motion fell and wrecked my knees and my hands. Because I had already been drinking I didn't think it was that bad but when we got to the party, the hostess immediately took me into her bathroom and cleaned it up for me. Since I had ripped my tights I had to take those off and god love her she shaved my legs for me. (I realize how disgusting this sounds haha) and she gave me a pair of leggings. Just note that we had only been in a class together for like a month at this point. Anyway, all bandaged I continued on with my night.

Dedication or stupidity? I'll let you be the judge. But look, I was having a great time:

Hope you all have a safe and happy weekend!!

Thoughts on a Wednesday night

I'm currently sitting here in my onesie eating a bag of single serve popcorn and drinking a Michelob and thought to myself "hey if you really wanna get back on the blogging bandwagon you should post something." I still generally feel like I don't have anything that interesting to say, but I assume (hope) that most people who blog feel the same way.

Since moving here I have told myself that I need to get involved with activities so I don't just teach and then come home and veg out all night. It is so tempting because I am generally exhausted from the day. But I know that forcing myself out is actually good for me and I really do enjoy it once I'm out.

I even signed up for curling. Which is probably the least athletic sport (if you're not doing it competitively) because you can drink while doing it, but it's SO fun. I may not be the best or be "hurrying hard" but I am having a damn good time.

I also do an adult stretch/contemporary dance class. I did dance classes when I lived in St. John's and really loved them so I figured it would be good to do at least one here! I'm all about meeting new people and this is a great way to do that. I also get in some of that pesky exercise I dread so much. Maybe not A LOT, but doesn't every little bit count? Isn't that what they tell us?

Probably my most favourite activity is trivia. I have been obsessed with trivia nights for the past few years and when all my trivia friends moved away I was forced to find new recruits (I did :)). Since moving here, I've roped quite a few people into playing. We never do well, but it's just a fun group thing to do on a wednesday night.

What do you do to keep yourself sane? It's definitely important to have something other than work in your life so I wanna know what you do! I'm always open to suggestions, you never know when you'll find something you're passionate about!

In New York

Since I went to New York in August of last year, I figured it was finally time to share some of my trip!

It was the first family trip we've been on in like, 10 years with all 5 of us together. I get along with my sisters for the most part but you're obviously going to butt heads once in a while. Overall, I had an amazing time and I am so grateful to my parents for making the trip happen. I don't know when or if we'll all be able to go on another family trip so it was a good one to bring us all back together!

My favourite parts were:
- The Rockefeller Centre
- Seeing Broadway musicals
- The food
- The shopping (obviously)
- The cheap american booze! Everything is so much more expensive in Canada.
- Seeing the New York Yankees playing the Blue Jays and supporting the Yankees just to annoy Spencer

I don't think anyone would ever have a hard time finding something they like in New York. I wish I had been there longer to truly see everything, but I'm glad I did most of the touristy stuff so when I go back next time there will be more things to try!

(thanks mom for the blurry photo)

I would go back in a heartbeat. Especially to see Hamilton. Have you ever been to New York? What would you recommend checking out? 

Hope this week is good to you all!

- Janet

A year and a bit later..

Oh hi blog world. It's been a while since I've been around these parts. Mostly due to school, some due to a rough patch of anxiety and insomnia. But really, I guess I just didn't really feel like I had much to post about. I don't think I really do now either but hey, let's see.

Things that have happened since I last posted:
- I graduated with my Bachelors of Education
- I got a permanent position before I had even finished
- Went to New York for the first time and loved it!
- Went to Québec City for a few days for the summer festival and still missed it as much as ever
- I have moved to Labrador (part of the reason I accepted the job was because I was moving here anyway)
- I live with my wonderful loving boyfriend and things are going pretty well. We still fight sometimes but I am doing my best to work through that stuff because we are so good together.

Anyway, yeah that's my little life update. My first year teaching has been quite the experience. I have had few challenges and issues, but I assume that's normal when you're first starting off in this career. I can't believe it's already March. Before I know it it'll be June and all the kids will be setting off on summer vacation and Spencer and I will be hitting the road for our trip.

This summer we are going Calgary, Banff, Victoria and Vancouver. I've never been to the west coast of Canada but I am super excited! I can't stop planning, which can be overwhelming sometimes but it brings back good memories of trip planning when I was on my exchange in France.

In case you're curious about labrador:

Alright I should go lesson plan. Hopefully see you sooner rather than later! Also please excuse the current template,  I'm trying to find a new one!