Oh hi.
So I started school again and it has been so overwhelming and busy. Any time I'm not at the library I'm sleeping or in class. The struggle is so real. I am enjoying it thus far though. It's not even really hard work, just tedious with a lot of assignments.
I could keep complaining or I could get to posting! Luckily this is still May so I can get away with Belinda's Blog Everday in May :)
Today's prompt: What cheers you up?
Messages from friends away: It doesn't have to be long, even just a simple hey or what's up. I am so crappy at keeping in touch with people once we are at a distance so I like when people contact me. I do reach out to people as well, but them sometimes I just forget to respond. Sorry about that.
Driving around: There is nothing more relaxing or enjoyable to me than driving around with my music by myself. I can listen to whatever I want, feel however I want and just get out of my head for a while. When I was little my parents used to drive me around until I fell asleep, maybe that's where the relaxation thing comes from.
Getting stuff done: Groceries, assignments, laundry etc. Whatever it is. Once it's done, I am so happy. I don't always love the process, but making progress and being productive is enjoyable to me.
Terrible food: You want to try and tell me nachos and pizza don't sound lovely at any point in the day? And that they aren't the perfect thing for a pick me up?
What cheers you up when you're down or stressed? Or what makes you happy in general?
Hola monday
11 May 2015
Whomp whomp Janet. I have been THE worst lately. I don't think I'm cut out for blogging everyday. I've just started back to school and my friend moved to Ohio this morning so there is just AWHOLE LOT OF EMOTION happening up in hurr. Anyway, let's get back on track with Blog Everday in May.
The prompt today - Who Inspires You?

The prompt today - Who Inspires You?
Things/people that inspire me:
- The women in charge at the organizations where I volunteer. They put their heart and soul into helping others and putting others first. I want to be like them.
- My friends. As I mentioned above, a friend of mine is moving to Ohio to start her Phd in Clinical Psychology. She'll be gone for five years but she was sought out by this school because of her research and so I couldn't be more proud. All her achievements really inspire me to do the things I want to do.
- People in general who are kind, optimistic and generous. Keep doing you boo.
- Any one facing any kind of illness or disease. You are so strong to be dealing with what you are and I only have respect and admiration for you.
- Children that believe whatever they want and believe that the sky is the limit. Never lose that attitude.
Who/what inspires you?
Causes I Support
07 May 2015
I'm really not very good at blogging everyday am I? I promise I'm trying, I really am.
Today’s prompt is, “Do you have a favorite charity or cause you support?”
For a long time I never volunteered unless it was to fulfill requirements for school. Not that I had anything against charities and causes (obviously) but I just never really found one that I could connect with or was really passionate about.
That all changed when I became a mentor for the Go Girls! Program with Big Brothers Big Sisters.
The program involves going to a school once a week during lunchtime with group of girls in the 6th grade. It's the last year of their elementary school days, and junior high or middle school can really bring a lot of changes to your life. The basis of the program is to build confidence, awareness, healthy habits and acceptance. It is truly empowering to see the girls grow week to week in how they interact with eachother, with other people who aren't necessarily in their friend group and their evolving opinions on things. Having girls realize their full potential is a starting point for great things to come. Big Brothers Big Sisters is an incredible organization.
Playing a role in the development of youth, I wanted to pursue another area that would bring me the same satisfaction the Go Girls! did. The local Planned Parenthood in my city runs basically on volunteers, there are only two permanent employees (the perks of a nonprofit am I right?).
I decided that PP would be the perfect spot for me and I wasn't wrong. Their stance and opinions on certain subjects reflect almost exactly my own, basically a match made in heaven. As a volunteer you have front desk duties, but we also council girls who come in for pregnancy tests on their options should they be pregnant (healthy fetal development, adoption options, abortion). We give presentations groups of teens in schools about safe sex, STIs, gender orientation, gender identity, abuse, consent, healthy relationships - the list goes on. All of these conversations which have become to taboo in our society and I think it's so important to talk about them. Especially to young people.
I don't think I could have found better organizations to donate my time and money to. They have both inspired me to take my education degree and find work in the non-profit sector, I love the things they do.
What causes are close to your heart?
Never have I ever..
05 May 2015
Today's prompt for Blog Everday in May is the ever so fun game "Never Have I Ever". I'm usually terrible at coming up with stuff like this when I actually play the game but maybe I can get it together here.
Never have I ever:
- Practiced yoga
- Gone skinny dipping
- Been to Australia
- Been in a car accident (knock on wood)
- Kept my room clean for more than 2 days
- Read the Harry Potter books
- Had an actual relationship besides the one I was in/currently trying to figure out with the guy from France
- Gone sky diving
- Or ever will care about baseball or basketball
- Successfully drank a glass or bottle of anything without spilling it
What have you never ever done?
Never have I ever:
- Practiced yoga
- Gone skinny dipping
- Been to Australia
- Been in a car accident (knock on wood)
- Kept my room clean for more than 2 days
- Read the Harry Potter books
- Had an actual relationship besides the one I was in/currently trying to figure out with the guy from France
- Gone sky diving
- Or ever will care about baseball or basketball
- Successfully drank a glass or bottle of anything without spilling it
What have you never ever done?
A Thank You Letter
04 May 2015
So I missed yesterday, whoops. At least I made it two days in a row. I was seriously too tired/hungover to write a post even though I would love to share my bucket list. Maybe I'll swap that prompt for a different one later on.
On to today, the prompt is to write a thank you letter to anyone thanking them for anything. I love this idea as I find that as we go about our lives, we forget to take the time to thank the people that have helped us along the way. Not on purpose of course, but we are busy as a society.
I have a lot of people I want to thank, so I'm going to incorporate them into a couple of letters. Let's go!
Dear Alison,
When we met a few years ago, I didn't realize how much an influence and impact you would have on how I saw the world. While we never became extremely close, I admired you desire to help and your passion for justice in a world that seems lost sometimes. You are so intelligent and you bring happiness to everyone around you, which I find rare to come across these days.
Without having met you, I don't think I would have grown the way I have. I wouldn't be questioning the world around me and I would find myself blindly following others because it's easier. Because of you I have developed my critical thinking skills and to challenge what I see and read. Because of you I am sure about my beliefs and what I stand for. Because of you I am more open and less quick to judge others. These are things that I will be forever grateful for.
I know we don't talk at all, but judging from your Facebook and other social media outlets, your life is going in a direction you're happy about that makes me extremely happy as well.
Thank you so very much,
Dear parents,
You are truly amazing. There has never been a time in my life where you haven't been there for m. You always put your children first which I know hasn't always been a walk in the park. I can come to you for and about anything. You listen, you care and you don't try to make my decisions for me.
You have allowed me to grow and evolve into the woman I am today, but I wouldn't be the same without you. Your support and love means more to me than you'll probably every know. I know sometimes we come off as ungrateful and dismissive, but I don't mean it. I am so luck to have you.
On to today, the prompt is to write a thank you letter to anyone thanking them for anything. I love this idea as I find that as we go about our lives, we forget to take the time to thank the people that have helped us along the way. Not on purpose of course, but we are busy as a society.
I have a lot of people I want to thank, so I'm going to incorporate them into a couple of letters. Let's go!
Dear Alison,
When we met a few years ago, I didn't realize how much an influence and impact you would have on how I saw the world. While we never became extremely close, I admired you desire to help and your passion for justice in a world that seems lost sometimes. You are so intelligent and you bring happiness to everyone around you, which I find rare to come across these days.
Without having met you, I don't think I would have grown the way I have. I wouldn't be questioning the world around me and I would find myself blindly following others because it's easier. Because of you I have developed my critical thinking skills and to challenge what I see and read. Because of you I am sure about my beliefs and what I stand for. Because of you I am more open and less quick to judge others. These are things that I will be forever grateful for.
I know we don't talk at all, but judging from your Facebook and other social media outlets, your life is going in a direction you're happy about that makes me extremely happy as well.
Thank you so very much,
Dear parents,
You are truly amazing. There has never been a time in my life where you haven't been there for m. You always put your children first which I know hasn't always been a walk in the park. I can come to you for and about anything. You listen, you care and you don't try to make my decisions for me.
You have allowed me to grow and evolve into the woman I am today, but I wouldn't be the same without you. Your support and love means more to me than you'll probably every know. I know sometimes we come off as ungrateful and dismissive, but I don't mean it. I am so luck to have you.
Oh hi! - Blog Everyday in May Day 1
01 May 2015
The first prompt for blogging everyday in May is "Introduce yourself" - I think I can manage that.
Hi, I'm Janet!
Hi, I'm Janet!
I'm 25 and I currently reside in St. John's, Newfoundland. AKA the most easterly point in North America AKA you've probably never heard of it but that's ok!
I completed an arts degree last October with a double major in French and Linguistics. Currently I am working as a translator and in E-commerce customer service and processing at a national clothing company based out of St. John's. (Eclipse stores if you're interested ;))
I actually only have a week left at this job then I'm going back to school to get my degree in Primary/Elementary Education. I am super excited to get back to the student life and learn some more.
Ok I could sit here and many paragraphs, but let's do the condensed version shall we?
Fun facts about Janet
I've done 3 studying away programs I guess you could call it. The first was one semester in Saint-Pierre, a group of islands just off the coast of Newfoundland. There is where I would say my French got really good and really made me fall in love with it again.
The second was in Quebec City for a year. While I didn't speak as much French among friends here, I met some of the most amazing people and some of my closest friends. It was also a really eye opening experience and the first time for a lot of things: living on my own, relationships, love. I don't regret anything about it. (Read all about it hurrr)
The 3rd one was my semester that I spent in Lorient, France last January. I was there for 6 months and had an incredible time. I really loved planning trips, getting know the community I was win, meeting people from all over the world. It was also amazing to experience the true French culture and immerse myself in it again. Like Quebec, many life lessons were learned here. I also found myself in love with an French man. We've had some rocky patches and a breakup, but he is coming to visit me here and all I can think about is how happy I truly am with him. I don't know what the future holds for us, but that's all part of the fun right?
I am the middle child.
My sisters and I are all very different but it kind of works out better that way,
I don't know if I'll ever want to get married.
I don't know if I want to have kids.
I hate onions, peas and red meat.
I believe everyone's main food group should be pizza and subway.
I believe that travel is good for the soul.
(fish spa anyone)
I have a lot of hypochondriac tendencies.
I have had anxiety since I was little, but it started affecting me when I was 14 after losing the my grandfather. I have it under control most of the time but there are periods of intense stress when it comes back head on.
I enjoy a nice cold beer or a glass of wine.
I like painting my nails but I'm the worst at it.
I have been obsessed with Greys Anatomy but everyone on social media keeps ruining the new episodes.
I love dresses and leggings, real pants however, I don't have time for.
A girl can always use more lipstick.
I have the best friends in the entire world.
My main goal in life is to see as many things as I can and be happy.
Just kidding, that wasn't very condensed.
Tell me about you!
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